First Grow


Well-Known Member
Greetings all, I am very new to this. I decided to see if I could successfully grow one plant this year. I got a Gorilla Bomb clone in April and nurtured it indoors under sub-optimal but adequate lighting for a few weeks (one regular LED lightbulb and one 60W 'grow' lightbulb). From there it spent about 3 more weeks in a friend's sunroom, being put outside in the sun for part of the day when weather permitted. It has been outside fulltime since May 20, now standing 34.5". I planted in a 50 gallon grow bag, in a mix of Promix HP, worm castings, sea compost, and extra perlite. This soil mix was watered with an aluminum sulphate solution 3x to get the PH down prior to planting. I have been watering with advanced nutrients Grow/Bloom/Micro added to the water. For fear of doing damage, I have never topped or FIMed the plant. I wonder whether I should now, or if it is too late? This is a picture of my plant: any opinions from expert growers about the general health of the plant, stage it might be at, ect. would be appreciated. Thank-you.



Well-Known Member
Oh no...I'm crushed. I swear I'll go to where the clones were purchased and kick some asses if it's a male :( Going to get another between branch close up pic now.


Well-Known Member
I can see how it might be in re-veg...the time it spent in a sunroom, I don't think it was getting enough hours of sunlight for those 2 weeks or so. The plants at friend's place that were in there longer went into flower early and look dwarfy and messed up, with very round leaves.


Well-Known Member
I’d chop the top few nodes off if it were me. Tall plants are hard to tend. Plenty of time left. That’s a huge pot. You’ll probably still have to feed her tho. Plant looks great.


Well-Known Member
Another question: is it normal for a plant to slow down top growth during a heat wave? We had 4 extremely hot/humid days here, and it seems during that time my plant stopped adding height and instead got wider. I also noticed a few little pests showing up; I was afraid to spray leaves at this point, but I sprayed the pot and the mulch around my plant with water infused with a few drops of peppermint essential oil. I have read that marigold oil and rosemary oil are also good deterrents, but can't help but wonder if putting it on the leaves might affect the final product? Please advise.



Well-Known Member
Be careful I once burned the hell out of plant w rosemary/peppermint mixture
Oils can be overdone even organic


Well-Known Member
I have an organic product w those as active ingredients and it burns your skin. Its retired in my shed with o ly one dose missing lol