First grow


New Member
Are my plants looking good for 5 weeks under 50 watt LED light? They have been topped a little over a week ago, this is my first grow and I have plenty of questions I’m sure been asked before. Just wondering if I’m on a good path with them, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who thinks thats over watered?

Just me?

A bit droopy, dark green plump leaves...

Wait for someone else to chime in before you freak ts.


Am I the only one who thinks thats over watered?

Just me?

A bit droopy, dark green plump leaves...

Wait for someone else to chime in before you freak ts.
lol. Nitrogen excess but ph water should fix that over time. They healthy though not burned. All mines start that way and I just don’t give nitrogen for awhile


They’re droopy Probably because of overwatering OR you just watered or transplanted. And if it is overwatering just let the top inch dry out and leaves start to feel a little dry then water. They need dry and moist periods. Butttttttttt overdoing it will hurt them and they’re healthy so only a small amount of tweaking is needed. Wait a extra day between watering do give nutrients until you see yellowing new growths.