First grow.

Hi guys I'm currently on my first grow. I'm growing in coco professional soil, with canna coco nutrients. I've had a few issues along the way had to flush over fed them ECT. Now I was growing with Olafus 300w LED, after doing a lot of research into these cheap lights I decided to upgrade to a slightly better light for beginners, Mars hydro ts600. As time goes but I'm very interested in the Samsung Led Bars, anyhoo now I've changed light my plants seem to have dropped As if their heavier, also new growth looks very light green with slight curling the the New growth also. I put it at the recommended hight of 18inches (plants are 5 weeks into vegative) I have raised the light this morning assuming it may be too close I've put it at 24inches so I'll check on them again this evening. I always check ph and EC and the current feed is going good. Any suggestions? Will it be becouse the light was too close. Thanks guys this is my first grow in a 2x2x6 tent. I've done loads of research and really excited about growing. Thanks guys. Welshwizard. 1 Gelat OG and 2 Badazz Cheese.



Active Member
when did you take them photos . did the lights just come on or are they about to turn off
they could just be sleepy but also looks over watered due to you not having perlite mixed with the coca. maybe you do but its not visible

you can easily run that led at 12 inches and not hurt your plant but stick with 16-18 the entire grow could even go lower in flower

( I always check ph and EC ) thats a good thing but what are they. if you have done loads of research im sure you have them close enough to good but still should tell people what ph and ec you are running

light green leaves can be many things . new growth will look lime green for the 1st day and the leaves can look curly until they fully open up and grow abit more. could be lack of food because you flushed. could need some magnesium ( epsom salts) and or cal mag. you are getting some red on the stems what is a tell that it need cal mag. ( could be strain related though and or temps humidity ) but im putting my bets on the pots are staying wet too long.( you got wet feet ) fabric pots will help but they are big pots in my eyes for the size of plant

are you giving nutrients every feed because what i have learnt is you never use only water with coca. if you need to flush then you should use a week nutrient mix

The Bunny

Active Member
Hi guys I'm currently on my first grow. I'm growing in coco professional soil, with canna coco nutrients. I've had a few issues along the way had to flush over fed them ECT. Now I was growing with Olafus 300w LED, after doing a lot of research into these cheap lights I decided to upgrade to a slightly better light for beginners, Mars hydro ts600. As time goes but I'm very interested in the Samsung Led Bars, anyhoo now I've changed light my plants seem to have dropped As if their heavier, also new growth looks very light green with slight curling the the New growth also. I put it at the recommended hight of 18inches (plants are 5 weeks into vegative) I have raised the light this morning assuming it may be too close I've put it at 24inches so I'll check on them again this evening. I always check ph and EC and the current feed is going good. Any suggestions? Will it be becouse the light was too close. Thanks guys this is my first grow in a 2x2x6 tent. I've done loads of research and really excited about growing. Thanks guys. Welshwizard. 1 Gelat OG and 2 Badazz Cheese.
Looks good just overwaterd and some tip burn back off on nutes let pot dry out a little longer between feeds or use a drip system
Photos taken this morning when light were just turned on, also i dont have perlite in my mix ill keep that in mind, would it be ok to add perlite now? My EC was 1.6 but after flush I dropped it to 0.8 and slowely introducing more EC as I go, I'll keep in mimd not to flush with plain water my bad, I do have canna flush on standby is it ok to flush with that or is this just before harvest? Ph is 5.6. I've got calmag on order I wasn't aware it needed it through out the grow either. I did struggle to control my humidity but it's all stable now humidity is 54 and temp is 23. Was it a bad idea to grow in fabric pots becouse I no were ur coming from with the bottoms always being wet. How could I prevent this? Just lower the feed schedule, maybe I am feeding it too often as I feed every day. Thanks for getting back to me guys really appreciate the feed back.

The Bunny

Active Member
Photos taken this morning when light were just turned on, also i dont have perlite in my mix ill keep that in mind, would it be ok to add perlite now? My EC was 1.6 but after flush I dropped it to 0.8 and slowely introducing more EC as I go, I'll keep in mimd not to flush with plain water my bad, I do have canna flush on standby is it ok to flush with that or is this just before harvest? Ph is 5.6. I've got calmag on order I wasn't aware it needed it through out the grow either. I did struggle to control my humidity but it's all stable now humidity is 54 and temp is 23. Was it a bad idea to grow in fabric pots becouse I no were ur coming from with the bottoms always being wet. How could I prevent this? Just lower the feed schedule, maybe I am feeding it too often as I feed every day. Thanks for getting back to me guys really appreciate the feed back.
Fabric pots are great but dry out fast later in the grow. Adding perlite now wouldn't hurt while they are still small just do a complete remix of the current coco and add the perlite re pot. Take the plants out gently shake of losse coco you could soak the plants to release the medium. Don't stress to much on the nutrient mix keep it at quarter strength till no signs of tip burn. Only use calms if it is showing signs of being deficient of calcium and or magnesium.
Ok thanks man it's on order. The plant with the long branches is Gelato OG it's currently in a 12 litre pot the other two plants areBadazz Cheese in 8 litre pots the cheese plants seemed to have been a easier grow so far compare to the other. Would you recommend I re pot the Gelato to a 8litre or keep it as it is. The reason I went for a bigger pot was becouse the branches were so long early on and the leaves are getting really big.

The Bunny

Active Member
I would stick with the biger pot. 8liter pots are fine all depends on your desired size or height or if your going to train them or scrog or a million other methods


Active Member
Photos taken this morning when light were just turned on, also i dont have perlite in my mix ill keep that in mind, would it be ok to add perlite now? My EC was 1.6 but after flush I dropped it to 0.8 and slowely introducing more EC as I go, I'll keep in mimd not to flush with plain water my bad, I do have canna flush on standby is it ok to flush with that or is this just before harvest? Ph is 5.6. I've got calmag on order I wasn't aware it needed it through out the grow either. I did struggle to control my humidity but it's all stable now humidity is 54 and temp is 23. Was it a bad idea to grow in fabric pots becouse I no were ur coming from with the bottoms always being wet. How could I prevent this? Just lower the feed schedule, maybe I am feeding it too often as I feed every day. Thanks for getting back to me guys really appreciate the feed back.
bring the ph up abit keep ec at 0.8 youll be good to go. ( Take the plants out gently shake of losse coco you could soak the plants to release the medium. ) im sorry but fuck that for a joke you'll be fine allot of people dont use perlite. like sure you could go do what the bunnny said but i see that being bad advise like words cant describe how bad of advise i personally think that is mainly because you area new grower and you're more likely going to destroy your roots by even attempting to wash the cocoa off them. god i want to go punch a baby lol

The Bunny

Active Member
Bad advise is only bad when someone like yourself jumps in arse first. The advice was for adding petite to the mix
I'll keep the perlite out for this grow then and add perlite to my next grow. Haha cheers everyone. One more question I'm interested in growing Autos next what's your opinion on them?
bring the ph up abit keep ec at 0.8 youll be good to go. ( Take the plants out gently shake of losse coco you could soak the plants to release the medium. ) im sorry but fuck that for a joke you'll be fine allot of people dont use perlite. like sure you could go do what the bunnny said but i see that being bad advise like words cant describe how bad of advise i personally think that is mainly because you area new grower and you're more likely going to destroy your roots by even attempting to wash the cocoa off them. god i want to go punch a baby lol


Active Member
Bad advise is only bad when someone like yourself jumps in arse first. The advice was for adding petite to the mix
i have done it i stand by my comment . i have washed the soil off roots put them in dwc a few time and i have done other way around. again sure it still can be done but is not what i would go tel la new grower to do. but by all means go right a head im out i dont like seeing people kill plants
i have done it i stand by my comment . i have washed the soil off roots put them in dwc a few time and i have done other way around. again sure it still can be done but is not what i would go tel la new grower to do. but by all means go right a head im out i dont like seeing people kill plants
I'm not going to stress my plants anymore than they have now, their nice and cosy and ready to flowery in a few weeks.

The Bunny

Active Member
I'll keep the perlite out for this grow then and add perlite to my next grow. Haha cheers everyone. One more question I'm interested in growing Autos next what's your opinion on them?
Have not had any Auto's myself but have learned alot from researching on other topics. Autos are good if you know what strain they are which will give you an idea of what to expect thought out the grow. Having a preset growing time you could have one tent to flower and veg simultaneously.
The gelato has taken a bit of stress I think it's magnesium deficiency all others doing well This morning.
they look fine

The Bunny

Active Member
Have not had any Auto's myself but have learned alot from researching on other topics. Autos are good if you know what strain they are which will give you an idea of what to expect thought out the grow. Having a preset growing time you could have one tent to flower and veg simultaneously.
they look fine
They still look a little wet still but I am old can't see as well as I use too lol. Do you flush when feeding and do you use water between feeds? Are you getting nats with the coco?