First Grow

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
ns. settup and beautifuI pIants. def. know wat your doing.:blsmoke:


last night i started 4 each serious white russian, AK47, and sensi ed rosenthal superbud.

put 4 in 1 inch rock wool cubes in mondi humidity dome with ph 6.3 and ppm of 25. just a small dab of superthrive in there. going to start a new journal with those beans later.

I did top the tallest plant. Is this a good or bad idea?

i am drying it out for a little smoke test, but damn if just a little bud takes 4 or 5 days to dry.


Well-Known Member
funny you shoud say. i am maybe gonna do a white russian to soon. i want to see that super bud to , i aImost got it. i got the same taste in strains as you ,by your seIection..good Iuk , hope you get a high femaIe ratio... wen i sexed the g13 , got 8 femIe and 3 maIe. happy. seeing it supposed to be "the shit" and superbud

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
yeah, i have been cutting my teeth and now think i can get the superdank. i hace 5 fem barney's blue cheeze that i am going to start after about a month into the other three. hopefully get all 5 females, pick a mother and flower the other 4.

it has been about 8 weeks, is my bud progressing well? some other pics i have seen have larger buds after 8 weeks. could it be strain? or light? or what?

thanks for any help.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member

supergirls...still hanging in the veg room. hopefully they can last another month in there with my new found friends.

fox farm nutes full strength, wek 6.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
watering full blast fox farm nutes week 8 schedule. these plants stay moist for about 5 or 6 days. is that normal? when the temps were hotter outside, they needed water more frequently, but now it is cold outside, they don't need much water.

I also tied some hemp string around the nodes that were drooping down. i figured if they were closer together, they would get more light since they are so tall and gangly. is this a good idea? it helped with the room since their are 10 girls in the flower room.

I ordered another 600W cooltube for in the flower room. need more light. going to make it larger on a weekend inbetween they other grow and finishing up this grow.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
3 in Veg

1 in the flower room, so that is 11 under a 400W HPS. That is why I needed the other 600W. an even 1000W should do nicely.:weed: