First grow Yellowing and curling leaves. HELPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!


Active Member
medium: soil miri gro
light: 250w hps
plants: 2
space: 3x4x8
temp: 75-85 F
ventilation: two fans

This is my first grow and so far I have two plants that are growing. The first plant looks as if it is on day 8ish and is starting to yellow and all the leaves are curling under alot. My second plant (which has had all the same conditions as the first and both where started on the same day) is doing great. Im really confused. I am watering thru the bottom of the pot because I want the roots to grow down. Maybe I started a little to earily for the first plant. not sure. Im not sure if im overwatering, underwatering or nut. but I doubt its the nutes because the soil had three months of nut. in it. Please help. also if you want to see start to now check out

pictures: plant 1,1,1,2



Well-Known Member
did u nutes yet, looks like its the light cuz 250w if close enough or any hps or mh close enough will do dat .....seedlings arent strong enough for those kind of lights especially if u dont know how far away to place em n the direction on the fan directly towards the plants? lol wat did u mean 3 months of nutes?? in the soil