First grow, would like tips


Hi, i have a fun simple grow. It's my first one. Not much space and I want to get best results. Am I doing it right? Plant is 3 weeks old. Is it growing good? Is there any way to know if its an automatic strain? Thanks



Well-Known Member
Looks very good. Read up on topping your plant or FEM. The meter will be in your junk drawer soon. Unneeded. No way to know if it's an auto or even a female yet. You don't know about the seed?


Active Member
Looks pretty good, looks hard to tell if it's an auto autos grow with age and normal sunlight they don't have a photoperiod. Has it flowered yet? If it has its probably is an auto too. pop it on your windowsill and if you notice some more growth it's prolly an auto. I take it you got this seed from a bag?


Well, I bought seeds as autos, got an extra free seeds, its one of them. Other seeds are dead, one was left, I dont know if they gifted me an auto or not. Well, ill just use my 18/6 schedule. I noticed that when lights are off, the leaves bend down. Does that mean anything?
I will definatelly look into topping or FEM (have to find out what that means still).
What about the meter? What meter should I use?

Milo 420

Well-Known Member
FiM or (fuck I missed) is not much different than topping instead of cutting the whole new growth you cut the new growth in half instead


Active Member
Well, I bought seeds as autos, got an extra free seeds, its one of them. Other seeds are dead, one was left, I dont know if they gifted me an auto or not. Well, ill just use my 18/6 schedule. I noticed that when lights are off, the leaves bend down. Does that mean anything?
I will definatelly look into topping or FEM (have to find out what that means still).
What about the meter? What meter should I use?
Autos are great for a beginner grow because they're quite tough resistant to alot of. Moulds n diseases. Little or no effort and it will grow but the more care the bigger the yield. As for light schedule doesn't matter too much with autos just give at least 12 hoirs or more and as for. Na the leaves do that think of it as down time for the plant. If it's really drooping you may be over watering or underwatering


Well-Known Member
You can bend the plant over or tie it down on the sides of the pot(super croppin) all of or most of the lower shoots will grow up catch up with the top in size you can keep doin this for awhile,, but some plants dont yield the best results this way because its strain dependent,, but you'll figure it out in time,, get some books,, like the cannabis grow Bible, thats a good book.. Good luck with your first grow