First Grow (Woods)


Active Member
Sup guys...I've been lurking for a day or so and figured I'd post.

I am doing a late grow in the woods near the lake somewhat close to my house. I sprouted 10 seeds and by the time I planted them they were already starting to develop leaves (teeny ones).

The spot I chose doesn't recieve a whole lot of direct sunlight but a lot of indirect light. Will this cause a problem?

I'm hoping that this late in the growing season that I will still be able to get a decent yield and I especially hope that the majority of them are female.

Anyways...Another friend of mine planted his plant 2 months ago and it didn't get any care at all and this is what it looked like when I found it:

(Notice the white mold on the stalk and the drooping leaves)

That same day I watered it and came back the next to find this:

(Notice there is no more white mold and the leaves are actually ,pointing upwards a bit)

You can tell a little from the picture the sunlight I'm dealing with. I figure that since I'm starting so late in the season that my plants may veg and get to be about 2-3 feet tall...maybe more. What kind of yield would you say I could get from this?

Another thing I am worried about is the spacing between my plants. I planted them in a circle sorta with about 5-6 inches of space between each of them...I'm thinking when they start growing and get a little bigger then I will transplant them to different spots that possibly recieve more sunlight. Or should I just leave them where they are?

Anyways...I will keep you guys updated on my grow. Any tips or suggestions will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
that white stuff could be spider mite webbing and i know it needs atleast 3-5 hrs of direct sunlight a day


Active Member
I'm not sure how many hours it gets. I haven't checked it out enough to see how much sun it gets. I know that at 7:00pm there is direct light hitting it.


New Member
I to have planted in the woods, I planted along the banks of a creek so i'm hopeing that they get at least a few hours of direct but i really don't know, the canopy doesnt appear to be super full either, and the ground is covered in other plants. I planted next to a cemetary. I figure that should give me some nutes, kinda bone meal and bloob meal right, lol.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
matrix what i did was i looked for where plants were growing fairly large and tall in the woods knowing that they were getting good sun .. then chopped them down and put mine in there!


Active Member
my first ever plants were in the woods near a small pond in an opening they sprouted then died but one of them made it to harvest about 4 feet tall but not very bushy but hey at least i got some good luck and try to trim the branches on the trees to give them a little light