First grow with mystery seeds

this is my first time ever growing, I have two plants that are 40 days from germination and am trying to harvest by May 10th. This gives me about 8 more weeks till that point but should I transition to 12/12 now even though it is early in veg.
I am using 2 65 watt full spectrum led
1 plant in 1 gallon other in 2.75 gallon
Using 4-2-4 palm tree nutrient
Water ever 3-4 days
Lst one and fimmed the other at the 5th node
Pretty bad set up to be honest but they are looking alright
If anyone has any questions that could help or answers I would appreciate it.
I’m growing 3 mysteries and this is my first Legal grow, none of my other attempts made it more than a month or 2 so just gonna let u know what has been workin for me. I started with several plant led bulbs from Walmart and ended up with 5 flood type plant bulbs and rest regular house type, 10 total. That was working for a bit but they started stretching the node placements after 3 weeks maybe. They needed more light. I posted pics in a thread I started when mine were 30days old. Most said looked good couple said nodes were a bit far apart but here’s what I’ve done. Use cococior 30% perlite or so, feeding general hydroponics Cocotek grow A&B. Water or feed when pot gets lite. I have been feeding then water ounce then feed but I’m going by how plant acts. Made a good sized box and lined it with a chrome covered bubble wrap insulation to reflect. Mine showed great growth rate when I put a 75 watt incandescent bulb next to a metal coffee can with water in bottom making box hot and so humid water was dripping out the bottom. I suppliment light by leaving outside when temps permit. All that has worked on a cheap budget but will tell u “u have to have an ass load of light!!! And a steady environment. My bro is growing and keeps moving his around to different places in the house, only got a couple grow bulbs and his r older than mine and mine r 2-3 times the size. I even gave him one of my seedlings that was same size as mine and I’ve passed his by far!!! I topped main stem at about 33 day. Topped 2nd to bottom branches on #1 at 30 to experiment and cloned very bottom set of branches on all at 36 days. I hope this helps in some way.

Pic is of my 39 day old mystery strains. I just bought 2 Vipar Spectra v450 LED grow lights and those things r BRITE as hell!!! Paid $140 each at the local grow supply. Pic of box is with Walmart grow bulbs then with big lights. Both lights installed on last pic.

