First grow with list of all my mistakes made learning

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys I wanted to share my grow :) First off let me say that this has been a wonderful learning experience and has been very therapeutic. I did this grow expecting to spend no more than $280 but soon realized how much I was enjoying it and decided to upgrade my equipment. I started these plants from bag seeds using only CFL bulbs 2700/6500 and had good growth but some ended up becoming deformed. I did PH all my water growing with coco but I made the mistake of using ferts (fox farms trio) too early and ended up losing some of my others. I lost two more plants because I was using clear containers causing the roots to rot and produced an ugly green mold on them. A couple times I got the CFL lights a bit too close before using the hand method but only got mild burns on leaf tips. I decided to upgrade to the best light possible and decided to just skip HPS and hop right into LED since they seem to be advancing every year and almost doubling in brightness.
When it was all said and done I had two plants that made it and looked very healthy. The one on the left (Anna) is short and bushy and looks to have 10 colas on it, and the one on the right has yet to produce hairs and I'm thinking its a male. Please take a look at the plant on the right and tell me what you think and what sex it is.
Once I got my grow tent and setup the XML 350 I could start to see big changed by the second day of flowering with my new light. The plants got a darker green and the stems looked to be turning red. I can see some nice little hairs starting to grow since I have been vegging with my new LED. The pictures are all after two days of vegging in my new tent but almost all of the work up to this point has been with CFL. The changes I have seen in the little time I have had my light have been dramatic to say the least. I'm sure with all my new knowledge and equipment my next grow will be amazing but for now, I will take a head full of new knowledge and one bushy little plant. One problem I have been running into is that my led is producing almost no heat and I'm worried my plant my die from it being too cold (I need a little heater). I have been seeing some white areas on my leaves since the new light was put in so I'm wondering if I should get it a little farther away (currently 30 inches from the top of plants) Thanks for taking the time to look at my first grow And I promise my next one will be much much better :)
If anyone is curious I used to scrub the geolocational information from my photos.020-cleaned.jpg 140-cleaned.jpg299-cleaned.jpg 313-cleaned.jpg 391clean.jpg 451-cleaned.jpg 942-cleaned.jpg clean 068.jpg plantsideclean.jpg



Well-Known Member
Well the plant on the left is the bushy one with plenty of hairs and is doing well the one with the circle is the one on the right its much more skinny and does not have any white hairs. Its two different plants in the picture and the one on the right looks like it has little tiny sacks starting to grow unlike the one on left that's filled with little white hairs. I checked them this morning and Anna still has about double the white hairs today and the other one still looks about the same.