First Grow with DWC or Soil?


New Member
hi this will be my first grow,Ill be growing in a 2.5 x 3.5 x 5 grow box with a interior carbon scrubber and a bathroom fan venting in. ill be using a vented 400 watt hps for the grow. My question for you guys is should i go with a 20 gallon dwc system or use fox farm ocean forest for soil


Well-Known Member
I usually advise against hydro for a first grow as every beginner is nutrient happy and almost always burns their plants. In hydro it is amazingly easy to over nute.


Well-Known Member
Keep it simple and go with soil for a few grows figure out how to read your plants and see if you can even grow then make the switch to hydro if you feel it will be more rewarding.


Well-Known Member
go with soil till you can figure it out also take a clone from the plant in soil so you can learn how to clone and use that one in dwc and see if you can grow both of them and see which grow method you perfer and if you should fail at one you have a back up


Well-Known Member
I usually advise against hydro for a first grow as every beginner is nutrient happy and almost always burns their plants. In hydro it is amazingly easy to over nute.
Mr2shim is right hrdro is tricky with no experience, BUT once you get dialed in DWC is very easy. The only thing eaiser would be hempy


Well-Known Member
I would also focus on soil, you will be able to grow 6 plants in 3 gal pots nicely, and that should be definitely enough for you to handle on your 1st grow. Happy 420.