First Grow with Barneys Nightshade(homemade box)


Active Member
Hope you aint made too much of a mess up till now! Unlike myself who is rapidly running out of tissues!!! lol (This is my first grow!!! lol)

So hopefully its going to let me stick the last 5 pics on this msg!!! but i wont hold my breath!!!

Till next time!!!



Well-Known Member
China china china!!!!, Now we're talkin, GREEN PORN, sticky white love piss all over the shop, luvin it man.

Still got me puzzled over that girl masquerading as a sativa.....????? I was thinking about it whilst trying not to dribble on the keyboard...i typed a whole load of crap, and then deleted it....ah well, will think more and come back to you on it.....the space cookie from last night is still hanging around i think.......went to see Massive Attack last night...totally awesome!!


Tremendous, just a killer job on these man. Stay frosty though, don't get lazy and forget to water/check the lights and timers/check pH/monitor yourself and the plants' nutrient schedule. Watch for all the harvest killing pitfalls: mold, bugs, landlords, men in blue, girlfriends who don't support your hobby, smell issues, dogs, cats.

You're at the point where you can see the light at the end, this is a relief after those dark and nerve-wracking days in veg. Stay disciplined! Minimal, if any, sampling (I took a few tiny buds at weeks 7/8 as they weren't receiving much light and I had a hankering' for some home grown).

I haven't been keeping a thoroughly watchful eye on this log, but have you done a quick flush to get rid of any salt build-ups? It may not be a problem if you're easy on the nutes and everything is in line with your pH range.

They look awesome, they smoke as good as they look too! I get a nice peppery (not harsh) taste/smell with a little citrus taste on the nice ones. I've had the mother's product in cure since the 23rd and its unbelievable improvement after just few days sealed up. I can't wait for a full 2 month cure (and longer). The clones' product looks even better, dense and more crystal covered than their mother (as they were much less stressed). The high will kick you in the teeth.

Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Nice Bags... looking perfectly healthy and frosty! I think it's safe to say those are all nightshade plants - nothing looks like bluecheese there. As for the sativa-like leaves, I have the exact same thing in my grow on one of my plants and I've just chalked it up as a different pheno. She's just being 'unique' - make sure to keep them all seperated when you harvest/dry/cure though and then you can compare them all later when you look back in your journal. I give my plants each a name partly for that reason, even though they're the same strain.

Those white pistils are looking INSANE! Keep up the good work - by the way, what week of flowering are you on and how long do you think they are going to go until harvest time?


Active Member
Right ive tried twice now to update my journal and its messed up on me everytime!!!

So try try again!!!

I started a new job the other day which means for the first time since i started i have to leave my girls on there own all day!! its not been to bad with the temp being a little high when i got in yesterday!!
Iv'e started worring again as far as the yellowing of the leaves on my baby girls!! i took some off yesterday, but all the leaves are turning yellow fairly quickly, i have been told this is fine but some of the leaves i removed have some strange blotches on them too!! Have a look at the pics let me know what you think! im only at the start of week 5 of flower and the way its going i will be lucky to have any leaves left on them in a week or two!!!

I flushed all the girls this morning with only 2 litres of water, no Molasses nothing!!! just in case somthing is wrong in the soil!! plan to feed them again with 10ml bloom+ molasses next time they need water which seems to be about every 4 days!!

Plz help but my mind at rest its killing me!!!

Thanks peeps

Stay Strong( Im trying too!!)



Active Member
Forgot to add that i plan to harvest around the 25/11/09 which is bang on 8 weeks may be a bit more/less depending on how they are around that date!!

Im also due to start feeding pk 13-14 around the 6/11/09 for 1 week! which i was thinking of using just with the tablespoon of molasses then roughly 2 weeks of plain water!!!(2 litres)

Sound good!!!????

Just don't want all my leaves to be dead by then and im sure their ment to be fairly green up till like the last week of flower!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Baggins, congratulations on the new job, hope it works out for ya. I see you are still a bit para about your yellowing leaves.

Q, is it still the lower leaves working its way up the plant? If so, again I think there is no need to worry here bru. I have just trawled through some old photos to see if I can find something at a similar age. Seriously, have a look at the state of these plants at the 5 1/2 week mark, just giving them a flushing. All of them are yellower at the bottom, and when they finished I had pulled some mad amount of leaves of them (actually, they tended just to fall off naturally.)

Again, my opinion, but I would get the P+K super bloomer feed into them now. This is what your plants need most at this time, and if you are going to stop feeding in a couple of weeks, the sooner the better I would say. The buds are taking energy from somewhere. I start my P+K week one of flowering.

Hope this helps relax the mind bru, if not, hit a bongsmilie




Active Member
Cheers for getting back to me DST!!

It is yellowing from the bottom up but i notice that the last pic you sent the leaves higher up are deep green unlike mine that are light green!!
Any way think next time they need water im going to give them the whole shubang!!!! that is:- 10ml bloom food+1 tablespoon molasses+ half recomended dose of pk 13-14 in 2 litres of water!! will continue to do this up until about the 13/11/09 but will gradually increase the amount of pk too during that time!!

Thanks peeps

will update soon with pics!! just trying to get used to the new job etc!!

Stay Strong!!


Active Member
This may be my last update till next weekend, what with the new job etc!!

Right at this moment it stands like this:-

Into week 5 of flower(day 32) been worried loads about the yellowing of my girls but i am trying to hold my nerve like the good people on here have been telling me( you know who you are!!) Will be feeding the girls first thing tom when the light comes on!! have already made up their bottles which this time round contain- 2 litres of water + 10ml bloom + 3/4ml pk 13/14 decided to give the molasses a miss this time round but may add it back in on the next feed!!
Have taken most of the yellow leaves off now from all plants, one of them in fact is pretty bare( the one with the sativa looking leaves) with only like 2 big fan leaves left and even 1 of them is on its way out!!! will the plant still take up light without the big fan leaves and just the other leaves ?if you know what i mean??!!

Hope everyones grows etc is going well!!
Will get some more photos up soon and if i can fit it in i still want to do another vid at the end of week 5!!

Stay Strong Peeps!!!!


Well-Known Member
where is the nitrogen? flowering plants still need nitrogen..... its all relative.....
Baggins is using Plagrond Bloom, I think, which also contains Nitrogen but the levels are like 1.5-13-14, perhaps adding some of the Plagron Grow in there as well which is a 4-6-8 for extra Nitrogen. Happy feeding at the zoo Baggins.


Active Member
Congrats and good luck on the new job, Baggins!
Thanks for the update, man.

Now, D E E P-B R E A T H ... it's gonna' be okay:)

Catch ya' next update, Baggins!