First Grow (with bag seed)


Well-Known Member
So I'm a new grower just using this to keep track and ask questions any positive feed back is greatly accepted I have three plants gender unknown as of now the have gone through about 8 weeks of veg at 24/7 lighting I topped them on the 5th of July and on the 18th of July switched the lighting to 12/12 so I suppose I will determine gender shortly I'm only using three cfl bulbs have not had funds for a nice light set up but this is more of an expieriment to see if I can sucsessfully grow and flower plants before I buy high grade seeds but photos will come shortly one I can figure out the upload process from my Droid lol :-P



Well-Known Member
It's just miricale grow 75% and 25% or the white stuff you put in the soil and not very savvy with the terminology nutes?


Well-Known Member
Haven't quite gotten that far I'm really surprised I got this far lol I have just been watering them with regular distilled water any suggestions


this is my first grow and i started in miracle grow potting soil, watered them with regular tap water then transferred them into FoxFarm ocean forest soil (you can buy this at a good hydro store) and didn't feed any nutes until they went into flower time :) it's hard to mess up with soil....don't get too fancy and you'll do fine!!! work on function not enhancement for first grow...that's been my theory :) good luck :)


plants are looking great! I'm new to this as well and was just wondering if a plant topped too early (with few leaves left on stalk) would survive? I know it's off topic but pls any response is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Fo sho mine looked pretty rough after I topped them I was pretty worried they were all going to die but just gave it time and now they are as tall as they were but now with twice the stalks on one and quadruple the stalks on the other lol


Well-Known Member
Still no sign of gender it has been 9 days since switching the lighting to 12/12 no light leaks preset guess I should just wait and see huh?:-|


Well-Known Member
Those white hairs are what you're looking for, beautiful girl! Post pics of the one you're unsure about, maybe an experienced grower can help you determine.