First grow, Winter grow, start to finish,w/pics


Active Member
Damn bro! Tough break! (no pun) ....Yea that's why I started my LST early... IDK if tying it like that will help.. maybe get some rooting gel and plant it like a clone? Just a thought. Sorry for your plant tho! :(
yeah I thought about rootin gel or somethin, but I aint got money so I guess we'll see. Its been more than 24 since the breaking and she shows no signs of stress at all. Maybe she'll herm out on me LOL!!:wall: No worries like I said"ballin on a budget"MORE PICS COMING CHOOOON!!!!


Active Member
Is it just me or did this week seem to take forever? Some of these babies are really taking off quick while some are growing slowly, so I rotated the netpots to different positions in the lid. Maybe the big ones are hogging all the bubbles we'll see if this will balance them out by next week. I removed the grate I was using for scrog I have the vertical room to grow 'em tall so I might as well use it.
Oh btw THEY ARE ALL 6 FEMALES!!!!:clap:
What luck huh? For some seeds my buddy gave me outta his bag.

Anyway on with the show!

#1 Top view of the whole bunch
#2 Female parts one the biggest girl
#3 Close up of the break (She's doing fine with no signs of stress at all)
#4 The second biggest female parts

Please feel free to critique this grow as it progresses. Lemme know what you all think.



Well-Known Member
Yo looking good GL man. I have the same setup as you and I am growing two AK-47, 1 WW and 5 unknown bag seed from Cali a friend gave me. I will make a grow post/journal when I have time. I try to take a pic a day so hopefully when all is said and done I can have all females too! Pulling up a chair!


Active Member
Hey thanks for all the support everyone. I swear ya'lls props are making these girls grow. Every day they smell danker and danker, they all look so diff from one another. maybe it was a mixed bunch. YEAH!!! Variety Pack!!

So I think Im gonna flower the mothers too, as I got some rooting powder today. Ill grab about 9-18 clones in case.
Ill keep it updated as it goes along. But like always mandatory update w/pics every thurs/fri.



Well-Known Member
looks solid man...keep it up do you ever check your ph if not what kinda of water do you use... also could you post a pic of your set up with the pumps alil better id like to see where u drilled your holes...thanks


Active Member
looks solid man...keep it up do you ever check your ph if not what kinda of water do you use... also could you post a pic of your set up with the pumps alil better id like to see where u drilled your holes...thanks
Sure no prob, I use tap water from our 100'well. Usually I have to add 15/ml PH down each res change to get it right. But between res changes it rides at 5.5-6.0.
About the pics: Ill go take some now..BRB


Active Member
I have a lizard living in my plants. I have see him since I started this grow, but I could never get a pic of him. (He must be parinoid)
Well I finally caught "Toker" chillin in the jungle!
Life protecting life, he's my little guard. He was about one inche long (head to tail) when he first showed up nearly 6 weeks ago, and he has'nt left yet! How fuckin cool is this?



Active Member
I have no clue what he's eating or drinking, it's an indoor grow, and I have no bug problems, but he seems happy there...(probly cuz every 12 hrs I blow smoke on the plants?)


Well-Known Member
I gotta admit, thats pretty damn awesome. He's probably eating up the bugs in there. Looks like an Anole. Lol. But i'm wondering how it got in there?