first grow - why won't it grow anymore??!


Active Member
hello there everybody! please read my whole post, i promise it's not as long as it looks. :-o (twhs)
this is my first post, though i've been reading how-tos on this site since i started growing in may/june. i'm down to one plant. it's about 4 weeks into flowering. here are the conditions it's been growing under:
- natural sunlight, but it's in my window so it only gets direct light from about 1 or 2 until sunset. the house next door is white, so a lot of light reflects into my window from morning on, though.
- no fan on it, but i open the window sometimes. i did much more frequently during the summer while it was growing; now i'm afraid of the tempurature getting to it.
- a mixture of soil i made from miracle grow (the only "good" soil i could get my hands on), soil from plants i had repotted that i bought from a plant store, and sand.
- tap water, with ph balancing drops from my beta fish.
i haven't used anything else, simply because i don't have access to it. i don't have a car to go to the store, and it'd be a good three or four hour walk from here (not to mention the erradically placed sidewalks on main highways). i only tried this so i could smoke without paying for it, this was pretty much an experiment. i was lucky to have anything flower. ^_^

anyway, here is my dilemma: four weeks into flowering, my buds are still tiny! literally. the biggest one is probably smaller than a quarter. they're so small that i don't even see any trichomes, nothing is shimmery like it should be. there aren't even that many pistils (or hairs, or whatever). i'm afraid it won't even get me high, if there is even enough quantity to fill a bowl. and doesn't it shrink when you dry it? =C it's like the buds haven't gotten any bigger since i first noticed them. what is wrong?! is it because i'm not using that bloom stuff?
i should also mention that i kept it very small - about a foot tall, maybe a foot and a half - because i am keeping it in my window. i live on the 3rd floor, so nobody can really see in my window. and if it is seen, it's small so it looks like a flower. anyway, i suppose the short stature could cause it to not develop properly?
also, my "friend" convinced me that if you pluck off all of the leaves other than the buds, it will make the buds grow better or faster or something. i was having a spidermite problem, so i just did it without consulting an outside source, and now i really regret it. it looks pathetic. but it smells soooo good. everyday i come home and get a big nice whiff of it, and then go look at it and i'm so sad.
oh, and i got rid of the spidermites by using a 50/50 lemon juice and water solution. just sprayed it all over, and the mites were gone in a few days. didn't even come back. the plant didn't show any reaction to the lemon juice, and it was already not showing much progress.

well, that's all the information i can think of. PLEASE respond if you have any idea what i'm doing or have done wrong. if there's any more info you need, just ask me. thank you very much for reading my whole post, and thank you so much in advance for any responses!!

(p.s: is it possible to change your username?)


Well-Known Member
last first - you are stuck with your user name.

your problems are probably due to not enough light and the pruning of leaves that your "friend" suggested. get a new friend. the plant's leaves are like the factories for the plants. the rest of the plant absorbs little light - cut the leaves and it stops growing.

also, the buds will not develop much in a window with little direct light.


Active Member
ok, well.. since i can't see any trichomes, you have any advice on when to pick em, just to see if they'll do anything? i'm not counting on it, but i really don't want this all to be for nothing.


Active Member
they didn't die, i just didn't know anything about growing, i should have researched more before i started. i killed a bunch that probably would have been fine. head to wall, seriously


Well-Known Member
Hey man, sorry to here about your plant but you might be able to get some bigger buds..... If you get some MORE LIGHT and some actual bloom nutrients would help too. You could get some compact florescent lights for cheap, im sure it would fatten up at least a little as long as you do it soon.


Active Member
somehow i failed to realize i already HAD a cfl. u__u i must be the biggest douche in the world.
okay, i've got it under the light now. i should still be doing 12/12? i know i'm going to get all antsy and leave it on all night if i don't have someone tell me not to. heh. also, any recommendations for bloom nutrients? i have no idea what those even are, but i'm going to try to convince someone with a car to drive me to home depot. i hate being poor.


Well-Known Member
also, any recommendations for bloom nutrients? i have no idea what those even are, but i'm going to try to convince someone with a car to drive me to home depot. i hate being poor.
I use the shultz for bloom. And the MG for veg.

What kind of soil are you using?



Active Member
a mixture of miracle grow soil, soil from plants i repotted from a plant store, and sand. had to gank mg soil from my downstairs neighbour, but not enough for him to notice any was missing from the bag...


Well-Known Member
WOW. Stolen soil, window sill light, and no knowledge of what nutrients even are? Now this is what I call growing ghetto.


Well-Known Member
In the ghetto is right. You want good smoke? You have to make it into good smoke. Love it and take care of it. Window lighting is like child


Active Member
read the grow faq... then reread it about 5 times... then you may have alittle understanding of wtf your doing... either do it the right way or gow it outside growing on a windowsill with soil people TELL YOU is bad to use...with no nutrients and prolly not even phed water... and u expect something to grow?.... just put them out of there misery now


Well-Known Member
Just go buy schwag cause everyone can afford schwag that seems to be the bud you want anyway. Do some research and create something beautiful. These guy will help ya the whole way.


Active Member
yeah, i guess i learned my lesson. when i started, i didn't realize how sensitive everything about it is. but, you live and learn, right?