first grow white widow 400w


Well-Known Member
Hey... transplanting them during the flower period is pretty much pointless. it doesnt grow roots etc at that time and maybe harmful...
& Just lower the light abit so long as you dont get any white streaks on the top of your leafs it will be fine and 1 more thing
lol dont rape the plant of its leafs your best to just leave it alone or you prolly gonna shock it!! you should only trim one or two
clippings off a much more to say but i havent got all day :D
I know i transplanted plants in flower and it helped alot buds got fatter plant was much happier so its not pointless to transplant in flower.


Well-Known Member
Hey... transplanting them during the flower period is pretty much pointless. it doesnt grow roots etc at that time and maybe harmful...
& Just lower the light abit so long as you dont get any white streaks on the top of your leafs it will be fine and 1 more thing
lol dont rape the plant of its leafs your best to just leave it alone or you prolly gonna shock it!! you should only trim one or two
clippings off a much more to say but i havent got all day :D
all that is wrong.


Active Member

hers the pictures
3 of them were male one of the white widows and the two freebies also male so am down to three harry girls and they have more space now
there are white pistols everywhere
watered them today with phd water and will feed them with bigrow and bio bloom (1 teasspoon of each to 2 litres)
cut the bottom fan leaves off and small growth that was just wasting the plants energy
anyone no where to get molasses??
all comnts welcome


Well-Known Member
all that is wrong.
Really....well you obviously have no clue then & from what i see thats a plants grow twice the size of me in 5 litre buckets & the buds are that heavy i need to rope it all up but im all wrong on how i do my grow...i dont think so ^_^ p.s...your knowledge stinks and your a waste of space.


Active Member
Really....well you obviously have no clue then & from what i see thats a plants grow twice the size of me in 5 litre buckets & the buds are that heavy i need to rope it all up but im all wrong on how i do my grow...i dont think so ^_^ p.s...your knowledge stinks and your a waste of space.

give it over,no need for it


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good. yep the local grocery store carries the molasses, idk the dosage though :/. People say you are looking for the Black Strap Molasses.