first grow white widow 400w


Well-Known Member
With the lights on the temp should be no more than around 88F (31c) for the high. The closer to 75F (24c) the better!


Well-Known Member
nice. so you bought 10 seeds and they gave you 20 for free. so you got 30 seeds for the price of 10? what did you get for free seeds? i ordered my ww from nirvana, but im going to have to check out amsterdamseeds, thanks for the llink.


Active Member
DSC00705.jpgi have no idea what the free seeds are but this is one of them that i have growing now only 4 weeks veg jus swiched last night
hope this helps


Active Member
day 51 (day 1 of flowering)
jus an update switched the light off last night at 10 an am going to switch it back on tonight at 10 then start 12/12 will put up ictures later when the lights are on

Mr. Green14

View attachment 1368120i have no idea what the free seeds are but this is one of them that i have growing now only 4 weeks veg jus swiched last night
hope this helps
Seeing as the leaves are a little robust they're most like of afghan descent, and if they bud slower than you're white widows they're probably ruderalis dominant hybrids. They're also the cheapest seeds, so I'm sure that's what they gave you an abundance of. If you ordered online I'm sure you can check promotion details, or call with your order number. Hope this helped, if even true. Haha


Active Member
Seeing as the leaves are a little robust they're most like of afghan descent, and if they bud slower than you're white widows they're probably ruderalis dominant hybrids. They're also the cheapest seeds, so I'm sure that's what they gave you an abundance of. If you ordered online I'm sure you can check promotion details, or call with your order number. Hope this helped, if even true. Haha
cheap seeds,expensive seeds all the same to me once they grow into a weed plant i can smoke, jus cause they may be cheap don mean that they wont be a good smoke

Mr. Green14

Noooo, I didn't mean to come off the wrong way. Free seeds are the best seeds! Haha. Keep up the efforts man. You mightve even have inspired me to try a tent grow next. Can't wait until the finished product. I know you can't either.


Active Member
Noooo, I didn't mean to come off the wrong way. Free seeds are the best seeds! Haha. Keep up the efforts man. You mightve even have inspired me to try a tent grow next. Can't wait until the finished product. I know you can't either.
ha what do you grow in now? i don hav a tent


Active Member
What do you use?
i vegged it in my double closet till the garden couldnt fit in the wardrobe then i jus moved it in too the small room in house and the plants are now in the space that my brothers telly was till he moved into a diffrent room,so when you walk into the room and look right there they are lol