first grow white widow 400w


Active Member
i wrote loads of stuff buh i hit the back button:evil:
basically i gots a 400w hps w reflector hood
big fan does the job
10" fan exhaust
have 4 WW plants veggin this is their 5th week
2 unknown strains if you hav ny ideas what they are please tell:blsmoke:
unknowns strains are in thier 2-3 week
am only usin bio grow atm
any advice welcome and appriecated happy smokin

pics of plants and their tops the one of the nodes is the unknown 2-3week its only 3 inches tall?



Active Member
am gonna jus keep updatin this so i no where im at
all white widows are on 9 leaf sets will water them tomorro hoping to take them to flower on the 10/1.
the unknown strain have skipped the seven leaves and gone straight to 9 only 3 weeks old
will water them tomorro then light nutes in 2 days
lowerd the 400whps to jus about a foot above the canopy i put another fan in there to keep the heat down

also big up to pilgram for commentin + rep :blsmoke: and to the 63 people who viewed buh didn comment :finger:lol
happy new year everyone:bigjoint:



Active Member
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so day 48 and im nearly ready to flower am going to turn the light off for 24 hours on the 10th at 10am,turn it back on at 10am on the 11th and swicth to 12/12 at 00.00 that night am still only using bio grow hav to get nutes for flowerin,any ideas?:-?
heres the pics


Active Member
DSC00707.jpgDSC00711.jpgDSC00710.jpgDSC00698.jpgDSC00709.jpgDSC00704.jpgDSC00700.jpgDSC00702.jpgDSC00708.jpgDSC00695.jpgDSC00692.jpgDSC00705.jpgDSC00699.jpgDSC00703.jpgDSC00697.jpgDSC00701.jpgDSC00694.jpgDSC00689.jpgDSC00696.jpgjDSC00706.jpgus an update,i am kinda lost right now and don no really what to do i am going to switch the light to 12/12 in 6 days am gonna get bio bloom am going to convert the small bedroom into my flower area so thers more space

if anyone could help the bottom leaves are starting to go yellow in too of my plants will post pics can anyonw help? am pretty sure that its N lacking but i don understand how as i only fed them 2 days ago.

also is a low humidity bad? its usually round 22 rh


Well-Known Member
Your plants look big enough to start flower now. I wouldn't worry about the yellow leaves, as long as they are on the very bottom of the plant. Maybe go up on the nutes next time you water. 22rh is kinda low, but at this stage is not a big deal. Later on you'll be thankful for the low humidity, it will reduce the threat of mold on your buds.


Active Member
Your plants look big enough to start flower now. I wouldn't worry about the yellow leaves, as long as they are on the very bottom of the plant. Maybe go up on the nutes next time you water. 22rh is kinda low, but at this stage is not a big deal. Later on you'll be thankful for the low humidity, it will reduce the threat of mold on your buds.
am waitin till i mylar the flower area and buh i might start it tomorro seenin that i can,em do you think i should turn the light off for 24 hours then do the 12/12?


Active Member
just cleared out the small room in my house,opened the window to clear the room and turned off the radiator.
i also put up net curtains under the normal curtains and thru a winter blanket over it to block the light from escaping
am going to town tomorro to get more mylar and nutes for flowerin cant fuckin wait:fire: the plants have been veggin for 50 days wehn i switch so hopfully they get really big!
dont no what t use for odour control tho?????? any ideas people?
will update tomorro when i set up flower room


Well-Known Member
for odor carbon filter is best, but you might be able to get away with the high end citrus(or w/e) pet absorber blocks. and febreeze plugins around the house.
im subbed, cant wait until mid flower when your widows pack on a lil weight


Active Member
for odor carbon filter is best, but you might be able to get away with the high end citrus(or w/e) pet absorber blocks. and febreeze plugins around the house.
im subbed, cant wait until mid flower when your widows pack on a lil weight
ye cant wait til they get taller hav decided to start flower tomorro night at 12 then nock it off at 12 in the morning and so on..
thanks for the sub

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Wow.. your girls are prettier than mine. I'm jealous. :p That's a nice set-up. I was going to LST but the plants got away from me after transplant. You might want to look into the ONA gel. It's an odor controller and it works very well for smaller grows. Plus it makes your entire house smell like fresh linen. And the bonus? It's all natural. No nasty chemicals. I just bought some and it only cost me around 5 dollars. Your grow is a little bigger than mine so you may need a bigger boat. ;)

Thanks for commenting on my grow thread.

addendum: I love your dogs.


Active Member
Wow.. your girls are prettier than mine. I'm jealous. :p That's a nice set-up. I was going to LST but the plants got away from me after transplant. You might want to look into the ONA gel. It's an odor controller and it works very well for smaller grows. Plus it makes your entire house smell like fresh linen. And the bonus? It's all natural. No nasty chemicals. I just bought some and it only cost me around 5 dollars. Your grow is a little bigger than mine so you may need a bigger boat. ;)

Thanks for commenting on my grow thread.

addendum: I love your dogs.
i don no if dey girls,could all be headin for the bin hopfully not tho.where do you get ONA gel?
lol you wouldnt like them if they ate one of your plants like dey did to me,dog musta been high for days lol


Active Member
DSC00722.jpgDSC00726.jpgDSC00720.jpgDSC00721.jpgDSC00727.jpgDSC00723.jpgDSC00724.jpgDSC00731.jpgDSC00728.jpgriDSC00729.jpgghDSC00725.jpgtDSC00730.jpg so i went to town today to get like 8foot of mylar for the flower room ended up getten 10foot and costin me 40euro coz i got tung tied and was too stoned really
ne way i mylared the place stuck the 400w in,flushed the plants with phd water,put them under the light,the temperature was 26 and rh was 29 with the light on and jus went in there and with the light off, the temp was 21 and rh was 29
em ne 1 tell me what the temp is meant to be at lights out? thanks