First grow weak plant during flowering

New grower so learning as i go. I am growing three white widows. Each seem a little further than the other. One of them is looking pretty weak. I was thinking root aphids after reading multiple posts. Would like the expert opinion from seasoned growers though. I dug around the roots but see no signs. All three started at the same time but the other two seem healthier. Any advice? Ph is around 7, light is three 150wt grow led bulbs from home depot, soil is fox farms oceanic blend, using fox farms big bloom only in water right now per dosage instructions (same for healthier ones), only water when my soil tester says dry. Early on in flowering had light leaks but was the same for the other two as well.

Weak plant
What works best on lowering ph and based on what I am hearing should i just use water and no added nutrients? I have all three fox farms nutrients if you can suggest a better mix if needed. Grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom.
Buy a pH product made to do the job properly

follow the label on the bottles of your Fox Farm nutrients at about 50% first and then increase if the plants tolerate well

Without seeing the whole plant by the pic I assume it's mostly done, I would check the trichomes and pick the bud if they look done and then maybe go for a full reveg

But if it were my plant in all honesty I wouldn't invest the extra time it's going to take, it would be in the recycle bin, good luck
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