First Grow W/ 400W MH/HPS - White Widow & Bagseed


Active Member
Day 1 (12/9/07)

Today, I planted eight seeds, each in a 6-inch clay pot using Miracle Grow Garden soil. Two of the seeds are white widow (ordered from a reputable supplier) and the remainder are good bagseed. I did not pre-germinate the seeds in water or a paper towel. Most had simply been sitting on my desk for the past 6-8 months.

My setup is as follows: 20" x 36" x 64" grow tent from HTG Supply; 400W MH/HPS; 4" inline duct fan pumping air out of the tent; 4" duct for incoming air (no fan). I have not yet attached a carbon filter, but I plan to do so.

I originally purchased a HyrdoHut mini only to find out that I did not have enough space (height) for it. The HTG model was a compromise, but I am very pleased with the quality, and, in retrospect, I believe it does have sufficient space for my needs.

Comments are welcome.


Active Member
Day (12/17/07)

Seven of eight seeds have germinated. I am beginning to question whether #8 is ever going to grow.

Temperatures in the tent are hovering around 85 degrees when the lamp is on, and about 55 degrees when it is off.


Active Member
Day 10 (12/19/07)

Lo and behold, the eighth seed finally broke through the soil.

I am somewhat concerned about the temperature during the dark cycle (53-55 degrees). Obviously, it's too low, but I am not sure what to do about it. I am considering switching to 24/0 just to avoid this issue.

It also seems these clay pots may be absorbing and radiating heat. When I transplant them to bigger pots, I intend to use plastic.


Active Member
Day 20 (12/29/07)

Growth generally seems to be slow. Attached are the first of my pictures. I switched the MH light to 20/4.

Some of the leaves show signs that I may be over watering.



Active Member
Day 26 (1/4/08)

The plants are still responding from being topped. It was very difficult to top them because the nodes are so close. I am somewhat disappointed with the rate of growth. I recall growing bigger plants at this stage with CFLs, but I am not sure whether that is due to the nodes on these plants being much closer than the CFL plants.



Active Member
Day 31 (1/9/08)

I made some changes to the grow environment. I decided to switch the lamp to 24/0 due to concerns that the dark cycle temperature is too low (low 50s). Hopefully this will not stress the plants too much.

I am still getting some random spotting on many of the mature leaves. Any idea what might be causing this?



Active Member
Day 33 (1/11/08)

Still some leaf spotting occurring, but overall, the plants seem to be doing well. One, however, is demonstrating some awkward growth (top row, far left).

I think it might be time to transplant them into larger pots. My plan is to transplant them into 8-inch plastic pots. I can fit eight inside the tent, which is perfect because I have eight plants. Eight-inch pots should be large enough to take me into flowering. Once I determine which are female, I will transfer those into 4-gallon pots. I am banking on getting about four females, which is the most I can fit inside the tent using 3-gallon pots.

Note: It is very difficult to find plastic planter pots in Canada this time of year. Still searching ...



Active Member
Day 34

The good news is that I am now current with this journal. The bad news, however, is that I erred too far on the side of not over-watering. I went too long without watering and a few of the plants got burnt, some pretty badly. The others seems to be okay with only a few burns. Interestingly, the white widow plants - which presumably have the best genetics - seem to be the hardiest.

On a positive note, I located plastic eight-inch planter pots. All of the plants were transfered into the eight-inch pots w/ Miracle Grow Organic soil mixed with 1/3 perlite. The eight plants fit snuggly into the tent. I am disappointed that some of the plants were burned, but I suspect they will all recover nicely. This soil combination seems much better.

I forgot to mention that I attached a carbon filter a few days ago. The temperature still maintains around 85 degrees. So far with the plastic pots, the temperature seems be staying lower - about 81 degrees. We'll see if it holds.



Well-Known Member
looks like the leaf spotting is from spilling water on them while watering, water with nutes will espically do that, but i also found out reg water can do that too


Well-Known Member
I would think about getting different soil, I heard alot of bad things about MG, I used it myself for my seedlings, and once i put them in the fox farms oceaon forest they liked that alot better grew like bushes


Active Member
Day 36

They are all recovering very nicely from the burn two days ago. I removed a few of the real crispy leaves and it seems to have helped the plants in allowing more light through to newer shoots. I watered again today with a minuscule amount of Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food. I am considering ordering a 3-pack of the Fox Farm nutes. Will it make much of a difference in the long run?



Well-Known Member
I've tried everything to get EVERYONE to stay away from MG but more and more people seem to use it. Don't! Order those Fox Farm you'll be much more pleased. And please don't pass on MG use to any others!

On to other notes: Plants looking nice and healthy, maybe a little on the small side for being over a month old, however.


Active Member
Day 38

I took your advice and ordered the Fox Farm 3-pack. It should be here soon. Do I just follow the directions on the bottle?

Here are some new pictures. They are growing much more rapidly now and look healthy. The white widow are clearly different from the other plants (middle plants, back row).



Well-Known Member
looking really good man......excellent work....plants looks fit and healthy....sure can see the strain difference.....walk on man! you're doing well!


Well-Known Member
start out and go 1/4 dose and thin slowly move up, just watch your plants and you can tell what they like, but I would say its better to air on the side of caution and go small first, and just observe to see if there is any nute burn, if there isnt add a little bit more and so on