First grow---veg state !!!!


My first grow -
box - 2feet deep, 4feet wide, 5 feet tall
170cfm exhaust fan
250watt mh
250 watt hps
fox farms noots and soil....experimenting with mix (perlite, lw, of) Will hoprfully have it more mastered for next grow.
I suffered a little heat stress i believe in the early stages of veg, so u will notice some browning on the tips on the lower leaves. I did manage to drop temp and humidity down a bit, and raised lights a tad, and that seem to help out.

Let me know what you guys think, super stoked about the outcome, and enjoying (drooling) over my new hobby :mrgreen:



lol, didnt notice how fuckin stubby my thumb looks......The plant on the left is 's white widow, and the other is a ufo bubba kush. The black planter is a ufo church, but it suffered more heat stress at the beginning than the other two, so Ill be happy If I just get a nug off her, if its even a her...


thanks man, Im hoping they keep thriving since the temp has been dropped from a constant 85-86 to around a 81-82. Still a lil high, but working on that. I will prolly start flowering soon, since my box is only 5 feet tall? Any advice, since everyones telling me they will almost double in size when flowered. They're indica sativa strain so maybe not have to worry?


Well-Known Member
81-82 is not bad at all. 85 was pushing it though. If you add some homemade CO2 that will help

Yeah rule of thumb is plants will triple heighth in flower. So if its 1 foot now it will finish around 3 feet


Well-Known Member
Yeast and sugar... check out the DIY section

Well if your cab is only 5' and plants will triple in flowering, Im sure you can figure out when to switch to 12/12 :D


Well-Known Member
Lst your plants to lower their overall height.
Will you use both lights to flower or just one?
If just the hps then you may want to lst for sure.
Lst is good for small hps like 150-250w
If the height of 5' is before you hung your lights/venting
i'd start lsting and flip to 12/12 asap.


Well-Known Member
Im running same tent but with a 600 and i have the same strains...ur bubba looks tottaly diffrent from mine..ur looks like it has a sativa influence..but the ww looks the same..heres a pic..the bubba is the one 2 the far left with the thermometer and u can see how heavy indica it is.....



Im running same tent but with a 600 and i have the same strains...ur bubba looks tottaly diffrent from mine..ur looks like it has a sativa influence..but the ww looks the same..heres a pic..the bubba is the one 2 the far left with the thermometer and u can see how heavy indica it is.....
good looking, will keep on eye on your grow-
2 thumbs up!! nice grow i basically have the same setup but i think you got the better exhaust setup. make a journal man, i'll sub.


2 thumbs up!! nice grow i basically have the same setup but i think you got the better exhaust setup. make a journal man, i'll sub.
Will do. I kinda wish I would have started the journal from seed to harvest though. I will def. do for second grow, I was gonna use the first as my learning curve..Checking out you journal now-