first grow using white widow


Active Member
Hi all, just wanted to introduce myself as I will be on here ALOT to get advice from you gods of weed out there. I've just started my first grow and I've chosen white widow. My current vegitation room setup is a wardrobe about 3x2x5 with a 250 watt metal halide, a timed humidifier, a large oscilating fan, and 4 babies... the babies are potted in 6 inch pots in (I know i made a mistake) miracle grow potting soil.... I'm getting some quality soil for the transplant. As you can see my babies have already sprouted and are on their second set of the sharper leaves... they are 5 days old and they all look good and healthy. I'm germinating about 4 more to put in there as well since these are sprouting nicely. My first question is this... I have another 250 watt metal halide and also a 400 watt hps... i can safely put the other halide in the vegg chamber but i was thinking about putting it with the hps in the vegg room... aka my closet. Which would be more beneficial? extra light for flowering or extra light for vegging? Thanks for any and all input... I will appreciate any criticism i can get.

