First Grow using CFL's


Well-Known Member
oh and those peat moss plug things are3 awesome, Ill send you some. it keeps the seedling confined like a solo cup or beer can would. but it grows out of the cube into the 3gal pot so it never has to be transplanted.
you really should transplant atleast once or twice roots will stretch to the bottem no matter how big the pot is you should check out airpots if you don't wanna have to replant i use em in combination with coco i see almost identical growth rate as hydro, i transplant into the gal airpots right after solo cups and they stay there the pots are designed to "air prune" the roots


Well-Known Member
its been a a long time since iv had a hermi but im fairly certain the balls don't grow straight outta the buds

reguardless tho she...(he-she) maybe :) looks awesome even if she decides to pollinate im thinkin your about 3 weeks away from harvest you won't loose hardly any potency she is covered in trics

maybe a week nd a 1/2 lot of orange hairs


Active Member
you really should transplant atleast once or twice roots will stretch to the bottem no matter how big the pot is you should check out airpots if you don't wanna have to replant i use em in combination with coco i see almost identical growth rate as hydro, i transplant into the gal airpots right after solo cups and they stay there the pots are designed to "air prune" the roots

I got the book "buds for less" written by the weed guru. he states to plant the seed in rockwool cube in a 3gal pot. and never transplant. he grows buds that weigh up to 16grams on one plant. grown with CFLs. from seed to harvest in 63days.
everyone has their own way of growing, I dont think theres 1 right way. but I beg to differ that you need to transplant.


Well-Known Member
i use alot of root enhancers so im getting bound in 3 weeks after transplant which is why i switched to airpots like you said everyone has there own way nothing is more annoying then bound plants where you have to pull out all your repotting crap mix up some soil... just so they can continue to grow


Well-Known Member
i stand by airpots 110% when i get em to flower i stick em right into a dwc tub right in the airpot best of both worlds :)