First Grow Update


When I posted last, I had most of my equipment, but no seeds. Well, I now have seeds. The seeds from Attitude came first, which makes sense, since the order was placed three days before the order from Nirvana, which came about a week later than the one from Attitude. Sunday I germed two Seedsman Seeds Auto Kush beans in a paper towel. Less than 24 hours later, they both had nice taproots extending approximately 1/4 inch from the shell. I placed them in FFLW soil in Solo cups, and I also put one of the Nirvana Swiss Cheese seeds directly into soil as well to see how the difference in germination methods would work.

Yesterday, AK #1, who had the longest taproot, broke the soil and is standing about an inch tall today. AK #2 is just starting to poke her little head up...I can barely see the stem. I got impatient and gently moved aside the soil on the SC (I know, I know, bad,) and saw that it had germed and is heading for the top as well. If I didn't damage it, anyway. But the SC seeds were cheap and kind of my "learning" seeds anyway, since they are photo and non-feminized. I want to learn the difference between the autos/photos and the males/females.

All three cups are under a T-5 light at about two inches from the cups, but I'll switch to a 400W MH in a few days. Temp in tent is between 72 and 76 (with a heater) and humidity is around 42-50%. I've been spraying the soil 2x a day with a light mist.

Is there anything anyone can see that I should be doing? Besides not messing with the soil to see if the SC germed? :hump: Is my temp and humidity okay? I need to keep the soil very moist at this point, right? I read something about keeping moist until the first true leaves form, and then let the soil dry a little between waterings. Or not? And thanks for all the advice earlier!


Well-Known Member
You're doing everything right! Just be patient with it man.. Before you know it you'll have some wonderful plants growing under the 400w MH.


Well-Known Member
How long do plan on growing in the Cups?I always soak my gear for 12-24hrs or till they dont float,then st8 in there medium.They come up within 2-3 days



How long do plan on growing in the Cups?I always soak my gear for 12-24hrs or till they dont float,then st8 in there medium.They come up within 2-3 days BEECH
I was thinking maybe two weeks? Then I can't decide whether I want to transplant straight into their final 3 gallon pots or use a transitional gallon pot.