first grow, unusually long stems? pictures inside.

First off hello to all, first time posting.So this is my first indoor grow. These plants are only a week old. I had a different setup in a smaller closet before and the light was about 10 inches from the plants which is why the stem grew so long i think, but I put them in a bigger closet all by themselves with a flourescent work light about 3 to 4 inches away from them. They seem to be doing ok other than the massive stems that cant seem to hold up the leaf weight. IDK if i need to repot them in bigger pots yet and bury the stems or if i need to wait a week or 2 before doing so. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Pictures below, Cheers. bongsmilie


uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
lower the lights...about an inch or so. and hold them upwith little stick and twist tie lol , transplant might cause stress now, so wait 2 weeks.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yup noo problem lol, good luck., make sure the stick you use is straight, like holding the stem as straight up as possible.


Well-Known Member
Mine did that and I never staked. The plant will take care of itself, but it need the gentle breeze from a fan to strengthen the stem. And yes next transplant, put them up to they're necks.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
imo its only going to get worsre the longer you let them grow without a transplant, and as i said dont wanna stress em so might aswell tie em up.


Active Member
View attachment 1768338
First off hello to all, first time posting.So this is my first indoor grow. These plants are only a week old. I had a different setup in a smaller closet before and the light was about 10 inches from the plants which is why the stem grew so long i think, but I put them in a bigger closet all by themselves with a flourescent work light about 3 to 4 inches away from them. They seem to be doing ok other than the massive stems that cant seem to hold up the leaf weight. IDK if i need to repot them in bigger pots yet and bury the stems or if i need to wait a week or 2 before doing so. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Pictures below, Cheers. bongsmilie
This is mine at five days. I have a 125 watt CFL set at one foot above.

Not enough watts. This is mine at five days. 125 watt set a foot above.
they are stable now. I put a little more dirt on top to secure them. The little grow pot they were in was kind of low. they look happier and are no longer bending over each other. how soon should i wait before putting them in their own pots and with this kind of multi start plastic pot I used how would I even get them out without hurting the plants. i made a mistake by using this to plant them in haha.



Active Member
they are stable now. I put a little more dirt on top to secure them. The little grow pot they were in was kind of low. they look happier and are no longer bending over each other. how soon should i wait before putting them in their own pots and with this kind of multi start plastic pot I used how would I even get them out without hurting the plants. i made a mistake by using this to plant them in haha.

Yeah. You'll have a hard time moving those with the soil and all. I may be wrong, but that tray is more for plugs. Man they're stretched way out and to transplant them safely they'll need a good root ball. Time does not look to be on your side. You could try cloning. LOL