First grow under the sun! Florida

Hey all! This is (as the title suggests) my first grow and I decided to grow outdoors "gorilla" style. This is my first post on rollitup as well and would just like to say thanks for all the wonderful information that is on this site! So without further to do; let's get down to business.

I am growing 10x afghanis for this season as well as a female super silver seed? I'm not exactly sure what the last seed is but a friend of mine gave it to me and a free seed is a free seed. I started my grow about 4 days ago to celebrate the week of 4/20 ;) and everything seems to be going smoothly. I started with the paper towel + water medium and got 11/11 to sprout the tap root. Yesterday the 17th of april I planted and as I said there is already a few of them above the ground.

I am currently in the process of setting up my grow spot and I have a few questions xD

some questions:

1. All of the areas I've found were either sandy or swamp so I chose the more sandy environment knowing that the drainage would be better. However I am worried that it will drain too well and dry out my beautiful girls even with the added soil I plan on throwing in there. So my question really is has anyone had any experience in growing in a more sandy based soil with success? If not I can just buy more bags of soil (I plan on mixing the nute rich soil with the sandy soil) as soil is pretty cheap and I'm not looking for top of the line stuff.

2. I was also wondering if tying down the top of your girl to the ground to control how tall the plant grows will hurt or hinder the plant too much? I was also wondering when to tie them down (vegetative state, the beginnings of the showing of sex or more into the flowering state?)

3. From what I have read and understand outdoor grows have a much higher potential to get much bigger and produce bigger buds. I am expecting a few ounces off of each plant (say a total of 2.5lbs if 50% are females). From your experience is it more or less in a much more hot/humid climate such as florida?

4. I know for a fact bud rot is a huge problem is florida so I was wondering if anyone used diluted hydorgen peroxide (or something else) during the middle of flowering to prevent bud rot?

Thanks for your time.

Oh ya!



feel free to drop a comment with questions, advice or the like!


Well-Known Member
Growin down here in florida too man check my shit out bro florida sand is terrible and permits very poor drainage tho its like the water doesnt wanna seep thru
Growin down here in florida too man check my shit out bro florida sand is terrible and permits very poor drainage tho its like the water doesnt wanna seep thru
yessir. Which is why I bought about 40 feet of pvc. I also cut it up today and plan on putting them in the ground tomorrow to prepare. I also plan on finishing mixing the soil with the native as well. Throughout the month I'll also be working on a drainage system (as it rains a lot here). Also I saw a lot of your stuff but couldn't find this years grow for you :(
Here are some more pics. I'm putting them in the ground in a few days. gonna let the main stem get stronger first though.
