First Grow - Total N00b. Hopefully perpetual.

Hey all, hoping to start my first grow this weekend. Have 2 sour cream freebie's from attitude and 2 bag seeds that were some fruity indica. I'm a total noob but have been reading a lot on this site and have learned tons. I will be growing in 3 gal pots with promix soil inside a wardrobe that has 3 compartments, and also in a mini grow box for seeds/clones.
All lights will be run at 12/12. So i'm hoping to harvest 4 plants every 2-3 weeks. Every 2 weeks plants will enter a new part of the wardrobe in steps. Which are -

1. Seedlings start in grow box with a 40w cfl.

2. those same seedlings will enter the first compartment of the wardrobe and will stay there for 2 weeks (I'm not sure how much light to use for this part). This area is 2ftx2ftx2.5ft

3. After the end of this 2 weeks, plants will enter the 3rd area. I'm thinking watts for this part should be 100-150 of cfl but not too sure. This part measures 2x2x2.5 also.

4. 2 weeks later Plants will enter the final compartment. This cab measures 2.8 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and 4.3 feet high. I'm thinking this will have a 250w hps in it.

This weekend I am buying all of the lighting, intake fans, out take fans, carbon filter etc. from my local hardware store. Have a lot of cash to blow but this needs to be as discreet as possible. Also, hoping to get camera soon, sorry for lack of pics.
ALL HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED! Feel free to leave any comments/suggestions.

Thanks for checking out my thread.


Active Member
sounds a bit over complicated but it will deffinantly work. 250w hps might get a tad hot in your flower compartment so make sure it is vented really well.

i am kinda doing the same thing but i didn't make all the different compartments.

i germ my seeds then once they crack i move them to party cups and put them in the window sill. then once they are a couple inches tall i move them to my grow closet.

and idk if your whole time schedule thing is gunna line up like you want it to. but maybe
I'm hoping to make the time schedule work, these strains i have now are only for the test run lol. I have 5 Dinafem- Cali Hash plant, and 5 White Label - Northern LIghts, the best of each strain will become mothers.


Active Member
You could probally sog then with a 2 week veg time. Or if your using the 2.8 x 2 foot space for bloom, I wouldn't scrog more than 4 (1sq ft each). You could run 2 a month, make 3 - 12x24 inch screens to travel with each pair from veg to flower. Once running you will have 2 in veg and 4 in flower at all times, harvesting 2 a month( with 4 week veg and 8 week flower). Or you could flower in 2 spaces, but that would be hotter and require another hps/ventilation setup. Can you connect spaces for more room? Sorry I'm medicated and rambling.


Active Member
Why are you making all these different areas? You should be fine with two, one for vegetative growth, the other for flowering.

Don't let the space dictate how long they will be growing for. Instead, put them in smaller pots in the first place to let them get big for four weeks, instead of splitting it up in two 2-week chunks in two separate chambers. Label your plants to keep track. Make sense? 2' x 3' isn't very much space. If you are wanting to do perpetual harvest, I would at least space out five weeks between switch vegetative growth to flowering growth. So, germinate your seeds, let those ladies grow for about four weeks in smaller pots (1 gallon would be fine) and take some clones, then, transplant that mother into a bigger pot and put her into the flowering area. Five weeks into flowering, take some more clones from your current clones, and let them grow. Take those mothers and put them in the flowering chamber with the other original mother.

I hope that helps. Don't be afraid of cloning, its easy and you should do it right the first time.
Well because they'res really not that much space in the final flowering cab I figure it would be more efficient to split every up because I don't think I can fit more than 4 fully matured plants in that cab. I get what you're saying but that way I'd only be yeilding like an ounce every 2 weeks or so.