First grow tips and worries


Active Member
hey guys im about to start my first grow and of course like everyone im worried about being caught... im using fluorescent lights so im pretty sure there isnt a heat issue (if there will be please say), im only growing 8 plants and i think my system is pretty well thought out

i just want some words of comfort and warnings... honestly anything will help.. tips, tricks, personal experiences

ive been rolling back and forth wether to do this or not and the main thing i think about is being caught

P.S. i live in florida so if anyone grows in florida and has been successful let me know what you did

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
if its going to be too stressful don't grow ,its supposed to be fun , if you do grow remember its going to smell up the house get ready to cover up the oder and the most important thing never, never tell anyone your growing


Well-Known Member
hey guys im about to start my first grow and of course like everyone im worried about being caught... im using fluorescent lights so im pretty sure there isnt a heat issue (if there will be please say), im only growing 8 plants and i think my system is pretty well thought out

i just want some words of comfort and warnings... honestly anything will help.. tips, tricks, personal experiences

ive been rolling back and forth wether to do this or not and the main thing i think about is being caught

P.S. i live in florida so if anyone grows in florida and has been successful let me know what you did

My advise is...
Cfl's need to be very close to your plants ( 2-3" off ) and if your paranoid about geting caught dont tell anyone and make sure theres no light leaks from your grow room and if your worried about the smell just grab one of those glades that spray every couple of minutes and hang it on the corner of your room ( not grow room, room where smell lingers. ) and as for your location, florida is great for outdoor grows its damp rich soil with lots of rain and sun is real good just make sure you have a strain that has more tallerence to heat. Good growin.


Well-Known Member
I'm new to this myself and am very glad that ur gonna be growing soon sallsilver!! Like everyone else said, don't tell anyone, make a DIY carbon filter
to be on the safe side.


if there are any windows in the growing room put up some blinds and then seal them off with ply wood so it just looks like a normal room(lsaw it in a grow video :))

Don't take saftey lightly. Make sure the wiring is done correctly, just prevent any accidents!

Don't worry too much bro hopefully thisll be a fun experience for u ! sorry if i sound too nooby,just tryin to help out!

Cheers :)