First Grow. Tips and Advice Welcome!


Active Member
Strains: C'99 and Aurora Indica (Chose one that was indica dominant and one that was sativa dominant just for the experience)
Tent: 36x36x72
Light: Area 51 XGS-190
Medium: Sub's super with 75 FFOF / 25 FFLW cooked for 30 days. (will insert pic of all ingredients)

When I transplanted into final homes I watered (using RO) with a small amount of Azamaxx and a small amount of great white mycorrizae. Gnats got into my soil while it was cooking in the backyard. I made a solar oven with a cardboard box and some foil to heat the soil for a few hours just before I transplanted. That was about 5-7 days ago.

Here are some pictures of the journey thus far:
20140213_184115.jpgOne of these girls sprouted upside down so I had to pull it out with tweezers and flip it around. She recovered just fine.
20140215_100354.jpg ~5 days. Perked up and looks healthy.
20140225_220415.jpg2 weeks. You can see they've both begun to thrive under the clamplight CFLs but the yellowing was starting.
20140227_224029.jpg20140227_224103.jpg2.5 weeks. I ran into problems which I believe was due the fact that it was 100%FFLW and possibly lacked nutrients and/or I was sometimes watering with tap water, which is very hard out here.

20140301_153805.jpgAlmost 3 weeks. Transplanted to new homes to give them some FFOF and flush with RO water.
20140313_114405.jpg20140314_202516.jpg1 month. Recovery complete.
20140325_123014.jpg20140325_123020.jpg20140325_123038.jpg ~1.25 mo
20140329_095035.jpg20140329_094945.jpg20140329_095023.jpgToday. ~1.5 mo. It looks like there may be some spotting occurring as well as some wilting on some of the larger leaves on at least one of the plants. Don't have enough time to inspect more at the moment....

Let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
Growing c99 to your way ahead but nice grow, with the gnats did you have to do anything to get rid of them ?


Well-Known Member
Looks good dude! I have a very similar grow going on, in which i faced some early struggles but got thru it just fine. I'm also using RO water. Don't forget to supliment some sort of Calmag. Good luck on the rest of your journey. I'll be following


Active Member
thanks cc,

swisha, as i said there I created a solar oven to bake the soil at a fairly warm temperature for a few hours just before transplant. I just didnt want any nasty moist pockets full of larvae or anything. And during my first water (right at transplant) I used about 11ml of azamaxx per 1gal RO water + a little great white (1/10 scoop). Plus I have a hanging bug killer in the tent. I doubt I'll have to do much else, from what I've read anyway....

btw, I haven't seen any gnats flying in the tent- I just noticed them when I was stirring the soil a couple days before transplanting to it.


Active Member

It looks as though the stuff going on with my girls may be related to cal/mag deficiency.
Here's a closer look:
Left Plant:
Right Plant:
It looks as though the left plant is suffering more from calcium deficiency (yellowing and some spotting) and the right more from magnesium deficiency (wilting and twisting of the leaves and leave tips). What do you think?



Well-Known Member
Well from what it looks like,with the pale green at the bottom and yellowing is from a lack of nitrogen..if it's magnesium it will start on the lower leaves. The veins will remain green while the rest o the leaf will turn yellow and eventually will curl up n die. And the edges will feel dry and crispy. I dont think its calcium. The plant would be stunted and your new shoots wil crinkle up and get yellow or purple.. chemical or ph issiues can cause leaves to curl as well. What are you giving for nutrients? Good job bringing em back!


Active Member
No nutes. I just give them RO water and a little great white.... I was trying to do an (almost) totally organic grow with only water....that was the whole purpose for the $100+ in super soil ingredients lol. You can kind of see the newer younger leaves are looking more pale in both of the plants and the leaves feel awfully dry


Active Member
hello? just a test message because website says I am blocked when attempting to post in plant problems section....


Active Member
Well I guess I will rely on my grow journal for a help in diagnosis.

Lack of nitrogen? Lack of cal/mag? What do you think?

Thanks guys!!!



Well-Known Member

First it looks like lack of nitrogen, HOWEVER. THe newest pics show curling leaves.

WHat is canopy temp?


Active Member
Hey guys,

It's been a minute, but I got tired of checking the website every day while it was down....

Anyways, My girls are about 2 months old now. I got my cal/mag and added some to my RO water as well as added a little bit of blood meal (which has high nitrogen content) to the top soil. I did some trimming of the lower leaves and limbs last night and here are some pics as of this morning:
20140414_100937.jpg 20140414_101014.jpg 20140414_100821.jpg 20140414_100835.jpg

Here's a lateral view of one of them from a few days ago and before the trim:
My next questions are:
1. based on what you see here, how much longer should I wait to flower? ( I don't want them to get too big, tent is only 73 inches tall)
2. should I do the lollipop technique and trim the top? or use any strings or anything to change my growth patterns???


Active Member
Here's another picture.

Some advice on whether I should top or not AND when I should begin flowering would be very helpful. Thanks guys


Active Member
I'm about to enter my third week of flowering and wanted to give y'all an update.
The right plant is looking good--flowering just like I'd expect. However, I'm afraid the left plant might have hermie'd? What do you think?

Left Plant Top:

Left Plant side flower:

Right Plant Top:


Right Plant Side Flower:

The Left plant is just a week younger than the right, but they started flowering at the same time. The Left plant has also shown more signs of heat stress when I was having trouble lowering the temperature. What do you think? Do I need to remove the left plant?


Active Member
Hey guys I figured it was time for an update. Everything is looking great this far. Although, I encountered some gnats, and I found a little funny looking longer bug with pinchers on one end, and I also found a live COCKROACH floating in my dish while watering one of the plants. I have no idea how that happened because I keep my tent closed and I don't have a roach problem in the garage, but oh well. No negative effects thus far. I have my Aurora Indica on the left and my Cindarella 99 on the right:

20140511_103955.jpg 20140511_103908.jpg 20140509_185839.jpg

Aurora indica:
20140511_150637.jpg 20140511_150621.jpg 20140511_150631.jpg


Active Member
Cinderella 99:

20140511_150549.jpg 20140511_150601.jpg

So as you can see from my last picture, my C99 has really hit a growth spurt and is getting a little too close to the light. Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot more room to move the light up. What would you recommend I do? I've given it a few pinches but it's awfully thin compared to the indica and i'm worried about snapping it off completely.... Also, these pics are as they are entering week 4 of flowering. Do you think I need to add any bloom nutrients or organic teas or anything??

Thanks guys!

