Lookin’ good. If no training will be undertaken, you might want to thin it out a bit. Very bushy and you’ll need to maintain airflow around the plant. She looks happy
Lookin’ good. If no training will be undertaken, you might want to thin it out a bit. Very bushy and you’ll need to maintain airflow around the plant. She looks happy
Also …. She is a good sativa ( thin leaf ) , let it take as long as necessary to finish and not by some arbitrary breeder estimate or what week its on a calendar.
Buds are stacking up nicely.
Next time , you can look into LST training / topping / supercrop / etc.
Hey guys I've got 2 10-packs of Gorilla Cookies autos that I'm trying to part with. I'll give them for half off the standard price. I've also got a single 10-pack of Tropicanna Cookies. Let me know if interested
Yeah don't trim anything now it's too hard on flowering plants. Looking great
You seem to know what you're doing! Wish ya a fantastic first harvest brother