First Grow take 2


Active Member
Hi everyone here is the second take of my first grow. So I guess technically this is my second grow:?.

I have 2 plants the smaller ones in the pictures that are both Big Bud and one plant is bubble gum that looks like she is doing well. They are almost 3 weeks old now. I started them in a peat pellet and let them grow in a heated dome. At that point I transfered them over to a 4 inch pot. My soil mix is organic and contains

Fir Bark Fines, Forest Humus, Peat Moss, Perlite, composted chicken manure, worm castings, bat guano, kelp meal, oyster shell and dolomite lime.

For the last 2 weeks they have been under a 400 watt MH. Average temp in room is 75-80 degrees about 44% humidity and I have a few fans blowing.
I could notice daily growth over the last 2 weeks. However for the last 3 days I have not noticed that they have grown much. Is this a sign that it is time to transplant them?

Also I am not sure if you can see it on the pictures but on each plan the small leaf on the bottom is turning yellow (this is the first leaf that grew) A question about transplanting when I transplant do I bury most of plant up to the bigger leaves?

Thanks in advance for your advise.



Well-Known Member
nice job =) but they look a little stretched for using a 400w MH. how far away are the plants from the lamp? yeah when you transplant you want to bury them all the way to their first set of leaves, it should stop the stretching.

edit: I just saw the last pic, your lamp looks too far away from the canopy. you want your plants about 1ft away no further


Active Member
nice job =) but they look a little stretched for using a 400w MH. how far away are the plants from the lamp? yeah when you transplant you want to bury them all the way to their first set of leaves, it should stop the stretching.

edit: I just saw the last pic, your lamp looks too far away from the canopy. you want your plants about 1ft away no further
I was thinking that too but was trying not to put it too close. Right now it the light is about 30 inches away. THey are getting 18 hours of light per day. Should I lower it some? When they were inside of the heated dome they grew pretty tall the bush didnt start until they get under the light.


Active Member
Yeah listen to majek and keep that fucker within a foot of the tops.

Bury up to the cotyledon once you transplant.

Good luck, looks like a good setup. :hump:


Active Member
I was thinking that too but was trying not to put it too close. Right now it the light is about 30 inches away. THey are getting 18 hours of light per day. Should I lower it some? When they were inside of the heated dome they grew pretty tall the bush didnt start until they get under the light.

30" is still pretty high you can go to 18-20". If you see any damage happen raise the light. Im sure that will help them. Also i would suggest a 24 hour light cycle. Looks good though keep it up :hump:.


Well-Known Member
yeah lower it a bit just put your hand between the light and the plant and if it is discomfortable to you then it is to the plant...


Well-Known Member
your pots look big enough to house the plants for another week, but i would transplant anyway just to bury those stalks. anything that is buried under the soil will begin to grow roots, more roots = more growth


Active Member
So here are some updated pictures. My babies went through hell with the heat spike in the summer temps got up to 100+ in the room for a while killed 2 of them I have 2 remaining this is the best out of the bunch. I am wondering however IF this appears to be female to you guys? I only ask because I can clearly see what looks like pistels however they were around before I started flowering. I was in 24hr mode for about 3 weeks before the heat starting going crazy and started picking them off one by one so i dropped it to 12 hr light days for about 2 weeks before going back to 24 hr days for another 3 weeks after I seen the strain wear off. The pistels were showing BEFORE the heat so after about 3 weeks of being on 24 hrs a day. thats why i am not sure if this is actually what I am looking for. So check it out tell me what you think. This is Big Bud... I am now getting excited and impatient!




Active Member
That's a girl.

Congrats and good luck. :hump:
Ok so my girl is doing well has been flowering for about 3 weeks now she wasn't growing so much for 2 weeks then I realized some light may have been leaking in so I took care of that problem and the buds r getting bigger.... so I thought that I would start on some Northern Lights while I waited for this girl.. I know silly me but I was anxious to start the process over I experimented I wanted to see what would happen putting the growing plant under the same light cycle well bad idea with in 2 weeks my NL showed HER sex... so this now has me wondering if I can flip back to 24h days and force her back into veg and leave my other girl in there but cover her up for 12 hrs a day? Has anyone ever done something so crazy? I have a box that will fit perfectly over my first baby and I could leave it on for total darkness 12 hours a day.. however I am not sure how the air flow would be and if this can harm her. If this doesn't work would it stress her too much if I took her OUT of my grow tent for 12 hours of darkness per day?

My last option would be to leave things how they are and see how the NL reacts frpm start to finish under 12/12 whatever is decided it is both fun and enticing to be so close to the end of my first successful grow.. I will post pictures later... oh yeah there is not much smell so I am sorta worried about that because the male I weeded out a few weeks ago smelled like crazy but my bigbud that has been flowering for 3 weeks now seems kind of mild???

Thanks ahead of time for your advice I will post pictures tonight.