First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
Well, this is my first grow, I'll be using a 4X4FT T5 setup throughout. This is due to heat issues. I have 3 sprouts, and I've planted 2 more today. I'm using Fox Farm's Ocean Forest Potting soil, and have the T5's about 6" maybe less from the tops of the plants. (I didn't measure it, but they are fairly close)

My camera is taking crappy pictures for some reason (usually it's fairly decent, but it must be the lights..)

The sprouts have been out of the ground for about 4 or 5 days. About a week and a half from germination. (It took longer for them to sprout because I put the seeds too deep)

Will have to work with this camera to see if I can get better pictures. Also I'm on an 18/6 light schedule.

So far things look okay to me, but I'll take any suggestions. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Not much difference today, but they are growing a little bit everyday, it looks like they are working on a second set of leaves now.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I didn't have the lights properly setup for the first one that sprouted and it stretched a little, the others aren't showing any signs of stretching so I think it's close enough for now, but I might lower them a little. Would it speed up growth any?

I checked out your grow, looks good, but I'm no expert :D I think I'm going to let them veg until they're about a ft high, maybe less and then flower.. The other 2 will be behind a little since I just planted them.. I do need seeds though, so I'll have to figure out something there.. (Don't want to have to buy them again)


Well-Known Member
yea i mean not noticeably but it'll definitely get more light you'll see more growth in the long run, the cool thing about t5s is they light up with very little heat so you might as well keep it Real Close to the plants. LSTing helped me a lot too, i could bend the babies towards the light make better use of my space


Well-Known Member
Yea, heat is the main reason I chose them, it's hard to vent the area. (apt closet, can't put holes in the wall..) I thought if I had to go fluorescent, I might as well get just about the best fluorescent. I have been thinking about putting a new door on there just to put holes in, but they seem okay for the time being (still growing and green so that's good :) ) and it really doesn't heat up too bad in there. Towards winter they might actually need the heat. Still, I need to recycle air in there somehow or get some co2..

Anyway, I guess I'll lower the t5's a bit and see what happens..


Well-Known Member
mix sugar and water in a jar, add yeast put a hole in the lid and even a tube if you want the yeast will happily supply u with plenty of co2


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow. I have not grown northern lights in years. Really tempted in buying some seeds within the next couple of months.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I hope it's good... I usually just get whatever, and I'd like to try some good stuff. So far growing it is pretty fun as well :D


Well-Known Member
yea i just keep my closet cracked with a fan going, works fine...annoying at time though


Well-Known Member
Yea I try to keep it cracked with the fan on when I'm around, but when I'm out it's locked and closed, I've checked the temps and they're alright even after being closed.. I might do the co2 bottle method to make sure things stay alright in there when I'm gone.

Sometimes I think growth is a little stunted when I look at other people's grows, but then I see it looks about the same with some grows so I'm not sure I'm just going to guess everything's okay.. (I think the ones that grew quicker were Hydro so that's probably why I'm confusing myself, plus they took longer than usual to get out of the ground since I planted too deep :P)

Also, I've thought about it and it would probably take awhile for them to reach a ft, I think I'm going to flower after about a month or so.. So whatever height they are then that's when I'll probably flower.. Unless there's some major growth problems or I run into issues.. Originally I was going to grow Lowryder, but decided I might as well try a "regular" strain. I still might try Lowryder after this grow, or I might just grow NL again :D


Well-Known Member
Just some updated pictures.. The fourth is a picture of the 3rd a few days ago.. What a difference! The second I'm kind of worried about since it looks funny.. The first is the one that got stretched a little. I have enough room to bury it with some more soil though. I'm still working with this camera, I know it can take better pictures than this.. Oh yea, and I got another sprout today from one of the planted ones, so I have 4 sprouts :) I HOPE the other one comes up soon :D I think I'm getting the hang of planting these things from seed..:joint:



Well-Known Member
Anyone know what's going on with plant #2 in my pics ^ or is this one just malformed/runt? Couldn't really be anything I'm doing.. I'm only watering every few days.. (Not a lot, just enough to get it wet, I guess I should change to saturating the soil and just let it dry.. ) So yeah.. I guess the only thing that could be wrong with it is watering or a bug problem because I haven't added any nutes since it's Fox Farms Ocean Forest and I've read it can be left alone through most of veg.


Well-Known Member
Hmm I guess no one knows what's up with that plant.. Well I'll just let it sit and see what happens. Still seems to be growing anyway.


Well-Known Member
Well, I might have to pull plant #2 it doesn't seem to be growing at all compared to my other 2, and my second planted seed couldn't properly sprout because the soil was too hard (I tried using the old soil from the OTHER seed that didn't sprout.. Well lesson learned, soil needs to be airy for them to sprout..) Luckily, since I have 4 more seeds I can probably still reach my 5 plant goal, and still have 2 seeds to spare.. Oh well I'm a newbie I need to learn these things :( At least I didn't screw up with some highly expensive seeds.

I think next time I plant I'm definitely going to use a mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Fox Farms Light Warrior.. I did try to move the seed to an area with fresh soil to see if it's still alive. It looked like the tap root was stuck in the shell because of the hard soil. (Like curled up)

My brand new sprout however looks like it's doing great.

Also I want to play around with 12/12 from seed, so if there's more than one male (need 1 for seeds) I'll try to plant another one in it's place during 12/12.. I'm going to play with this idea so I can get a sort of perpetual system going to supply myself.. We'll see.. I'm hoping for this at least :)


Well-Known Member
Well, checking plant #2 today no new growth.. the other 2 are moving along nicely.. I think I will pull #2 tomorrow.. Any one disagree?


Active Member
im growing northern lights too but they are 2 weeks old and keep falling due to top heavy does anyone know how to keep them standing straight up


Well-Known Member
jtrizzzy, you have to get a fan on them to strengthen the stems.. Or if they're stretched put soil around them and get the light closer.


Active Member
thanks jetset the thing is im starting them in the aerogarden then transplanting them in soil i got the foxfarm ocean forest have u heard anything good about that