First grow Super Silver Haze...HELP please.


Hi everyone. Looking for a little bit of help here if you can.

Have 5 SSH plants on day 10 of veg. They're under a 400w MH about 16'' above the plant tops. Running Lucas Formula at 1/3 strength (0-3-6/gal) and the PH is 5.9 at 280ppm. Temp is 72degrees at 76% humidity. Two of the plants have top leaves that are starting to droop drastically and it has me worried. I suspect over watering so I've cut down the 15min drip from every 8hrs to every 12hrs and will see how they react. Does this sound right to you, or am I misdiagnosing?
Also, a third plant is showing some minor dots on the top leaves that I believe might be from the light or nute-burn.
The first 3 pics are of the drooping leaf plants. The 4th pic is the one with the spots. Sorry about the quality, had to use my phone. Will try to snap some better ones if requested.

Thanks for the help. IMG_0394.jpgIMG_0398.jpgIMG_0395.jpgIMG_0397.jpg

Dick Moser

Active Member
super silver haze was the worst strain i have ever grown, got the seeds from a freind who stopped growing so no way to tell the age but hands down worst strain ever, had stretching prblems slow growth small buds and then RIGHT before harvest (about 3 weeks) it got a mite infestation that completely killed off several of the plants in about a week, so just about a worthless strain if u ask me (p.s. even when grown perfect it still has a nasty taste and a lack of real potency)

Dick Moser

Active Member
what u have growing is what like 1 out of 5 of the ones i started looked like and i just tossed those right off the bat so im thinking its got tio be genetics bro


I've heard Super Silver Haze can be a real finicky plant to grow...especially on a first hydro attempt. It's funny you mentioned a lack of potency though. The first time I smoked this strain was when I and a few friends went to Hunter's Coffee Shop in Amsterdam and it knocked all of our socks off. Hands down one of the best strains I've ever smoked if grown right. That's where I got the seeds from. In all I'm just chalking this grow up to a learning experience but I'd really like to try to get some decent weight out of it. Any idea what is causing the wilting? I'm thinking about adding some epson salts or Cal/Mag to see if that gets the job done...