First Grow. Stealthed.


Well-Known Member
Well after a while, I have decided to do something fun, something I enjoy. I like Plants, Why not grow illegal drugs?!

So I has begun a new adventure!

Lighting: A small 6W T4 Triphosphor daylight tube. running 18/6
Watering: 3x15 Mins/Day Dripper System.
Plants: no fkn Idea. Baggy ones I found from a powerful, potent Strain.
Venting: 12mm Computer fan I hot wired to an adapter.

Look, I have looked around a little and am still not sure about a few things, help me out if you see me doing something wrong :3. Much appreciated.

Day about #5

My babies are under my fish tank light as I have no house for them yet.

Day about #10

Is my setup okay? :D. Recently after this I lined the walls with aluminum reflector. I will get more reflective shit once I get better and get out of bed.

Day about #11

Are my babies looking good? I believe the closer ones leaves are folding over and the ones behind are much more flat.. :\ Why?

Day about #12

Dont mind the dodgy foil job. Just a temp solution till I can get some popper reflective material.

Soo Thats all so far.. Comments? Help? Please reply! :D

Thanks all!! ^_^

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Your babies look very "perfect". Lot's of work for just a few plants. Give them some real sunshine if possible, but not too intense. 1/4TH % of nutrients, good drainage, good indirect ventilation. IE; don't have a fan blowing on them at all times. Light height looks good. The thick stalked one may be a male, big deal. I save my males for making seeds later. Having 400 kick-ass seeds to play with is a good thing. You now need a good MH lite, at least 400 watt. Lot of expense on a couple plants. Play with these, while making a decent grow room, or move outdoors. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I am germinating about 10 as we speak ;). Was just experimenting to begin with :).

Thanks heaps for the reply! +rep


Well-Known Member
For the Budding stage, Must we use a MH light? or does it just provide best results?

I can get dual globe setup with Warm White(Red Spec) and Cool White(Blue Spec) Lights. So I'm guessing the greater wattage the greater buds? Would my Plants just die If I didn't give the a greater wattage light?

Thanks =D.


Well-Known Member
for budding you want HPS bulbs, MH is for flowering. those are your BEST options. CFLS will do the job. you will want more of the daylight/blue bulbs for veg, the red ones for flowering. and the more light the better. a good thing to shoot for is at least 2 bulbs per plant and at least 3k lumens/plant 3k lumens/square foot of grow area. the HPS and MH lights will surely produce more buds. but they are more expensive and get a bit hotter, with the light and the ballast and all. but you can externally locate the ballast to help with heat. basically if you have the room/cash/ventilation its best to get the MH / HPS. if not do like i did and get a decent CFL set up :)



Well-Known Member
for budding you want HPS bulbs, MH is for flowering. those are your BEST options. CFLS will do the job. you will want more of the daylight/blue bulbs for veg, the red ones for flowering. and the more light the better. a good thing to shoot for is at least 2 bulbs per plant and at least 3k lumens/plant 3k lumens/square foot of grow area. the HPS and MH lights will surely produce more buds. but they are more expensive and get a bit hotter, with the light and the ballast and all. but you can externally locate the ballast to help with heat. basically if you have the room/cash/ventilation its best to get the MH / HPS. if not do like i did and get a decent CFL set up :)

You're right on everything, but you accidently said MH is for flowering when you meant vegetative growth I think. Otherwise that's on the spot.

anyways, 3 x 15min a day is quite a bit of water for a small seedling seems like to me. You want to keep the soil moist, but not too wet. You should wait till you have to dig an inch or two with your finger in the soil to find moisture. For a seedling it's probably better to keep it on the wet side since they can dry up in a flash, but later on you're probably going to want to see how long it takes the soil to dry and base the watering off that. I water my plants 2 times a week at the moment just to give you an idea, but they're about 6 inches tall. As said, the light wont be enough for much longer, and unless you do a lot of low stress training on the plants, that box wont be tall enough for much longer.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah =]. I'm going to start work on a big wood box about 1.5 Meters high. What lights do you think I should use? It's only a small project.....for now >=)..

If I use CFL's what should be the minimum specs for my lighting?

I see people using about 6 lights and it makes me wonder what I'm going to need :\.

Thanks man, +rep.


Well-Known Member
2 of the awesome Strain have sprouted, 2 of the other baggies sprouted. I'll wait about 4 more days till I plant them.


Well-Known Member
New Pictures :).

Day about #14

The suspected Male has a tear in his leaf :\. And is growing its 3rd generation of leaves :P. Yay!

The other plant is looking healthy and a little yellow on the inner leaves, but i guess that is expected due to the little light they have had in their short life. Other than that, Yay! 3rd generation leaves too! :)

The little baggy seeds has sprouted! =D.

The more potent ones have got their leaves, just a little more germinating :P.

Thats it for today :)


Active Member
:D cant wate to see the new sprouts in pots of their own soon!
What do you think would have caused that tear in the plants leaf?!? :(


Well-Known Member
:D cant wate to see the new sprouts in pots of their own soon!
What do you think would have caused that tear in the plants leaf?!? :(
I think its cause he was all droopy and then I gave him nutes and he wanted to flatten out his leaves but one tore! :O.

Got a new CFL Light ^_^. only 48w but I will get more soon :). Hopefully i'll find a 125w somewhere :).



Active Member
lol, nice wireing :P hehe
dont bother giving them any nutrient stuff till their lyk atleast 10 cm big ^^
keep feeding them that block stuff though


Well-Known Member
It seems it's working really well :). It's a mix of about 1/5th of the recommended dosage :).


Well-Known Member
:O. It appears that the light attacked my plants :'(. One of them is a little brown, soo I remodeled my box =D.

My burnt child :( (Lower Leaves and Tips of leaves)

My new setup:

The Intake fan :D

And the new Sproutling!

Yay :). I'll probably attach the light to a movable beam.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me if that IS infact heat burn on my leaves? and Will my plant survive? He looks a bit sad.

Help please :)


Well-Known Member
just got another 48w CFL. just need to wire it to the other light. Still looking for a solution to the heat burn on leaves.


Well-Known Member
Wired them up,

At approx 60 Lumens per watt
48x2=96x60=5,760 Lumens
48x4=196x60=11,760 Lumens
48x6=288x60=17,280 Lumens
48x8=384x60= 23,040 Lumens
I might grab another 2 so I can reach 11,760 Lumens ;).


on the roof of my box ;).
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