First grow - stealth wardrobe! Pictures and question...


Leaves keep dying off, but buds keep growing, strangely enough. Can they be safely harvested and smoked despite their low quantity and perhaps quality?

Planted two more though, the picture below is after two weeks growth. Still don't know what could be wrong. I measured the runoff water to a pH of 6.4, which was the only variable I could imagine being wrong except overfeeding. Well well.



Active Member
As far as your plants go, you pretty much annihilated them. On the flip side, you can still make use of the buds/trim.


Harvested the annihilated fuckers today:

And this is what remains, didn't feed them anything yet and looking healthy. Will not start any more grows because I am going to another country over the summer. When I'm back again in September it is time to start up again though. (Don't worry about the drooping leaves, they got their water right after pic was taken)


Now they are getting huge and starting to flower. One of the fuckers are showing symptoms of something though, like the others did around this time. Any ideas? I fed them twice on 25% recommended dose of Gold Label's products.

First plant (looking fine):nice.jpg

Second plant (probably not feeling so good):fukd.jpg


Active Member
Do you have any knats top your soil in perlite it helped
Me with my nute burn over and underwatering and its cheap


So I'm back on track. Have been growing these ladies in an attempt of a screen of green now for 6-7 weeks.

I found out that the pH value of my tap water was way high so I got some filter to adjust it down to 7. I hoped that this would solve my previous problems and all was looking very good until they started flowering. But then they started yellowing slowly. I assumed it was time to start feeding them some nutrients, as they only got water up til this point. However the yellowing did not stop or even slow down. It seems they will meet the same fate as previous plants, which is really pissing me off since I have no clue what could be wrong. Temperatures are kept steady at around 27 degrees celsius daytime.

Could mixing the soil with more perlite help in any way? I don't water so much that excess water is running out the bottom, as I have textile pots and no saucers under. Could this be a problem?

Thanks, and my apologies for the indistinguishable colors on the pic.The plants are very yellow.



Active Member
image.jpeg My last bit of advice is look up Korean natrual farming. Bottle nutrients are just uneseceary and bad for you to smoke. No bottled nutes and that's after I had shaken the hell out of it for dry sift


Active Member
Dude I really think it's ur water it's to hard do u let ur water sit for a couple of days to let some of the clorine disolve and ur ph should be around 6.5 to 6.8