First Grow - Stealth Indoor Cabinet SCROG Grow - Plant Log


This is my first indoor grow.

I germinated some bag seeds. Four are planted around the perimeter. Low chance of all males. I plan on only growing one female. The box is near completion as i mount my 2 PC fans, install hinges and a latch on the door, and mount the top panel. Sooner or later I'll invest into some mylar. My shitty paint job will do for now.

My box is 24x21x28 inches. Im using organic soil and a 100 watt MH for the vegetative state.

24 21 28


Finished construction of the case. Almost done hiding it. I plan on wrapping it in cardboard, (will look like a box), and stack boxes on top of it. You'll see soon.



Here is day4 after germination. I thought they might be stretching, so i painted aluminum foil white to help focus some of the light. I need mylar. lol

I raised the pot so ignore the minimal space between the soil and my screen.

Is this normal growth or did they stretch a little???


Active Member
Nice man, that's a great box. Has the pc fan proven to be effective enough for air circulation in your box? What are you doing about smell? I can pretty much build anything with screws, drywall, wood, etc., but I have to figure out how to handle any potential smell issues. Can't have neighbors or landlords sniffing around.


Nice man, that's a great box. Has the pc fan proven to be effective enough for air circulation in your box? What are you doing about smell? I can pretty much build anything with screws, drywall, wood, etc., but I have to figure out how to handle any potential smell issues. Can't have neighbors or landlords sniffing around.
Depends. If my room temperature was 72 degrees i'd say yes. They would do fine. it ran a little warm.

This grow was cut short by the Mother. But built a $1000 perpetual grow at a friends house instead. lol