First Grow - Stealth - Bagseed


Well-Known Member
im waiting for the top to look a little nicer before i take pics.

anyone have any good stealthy ideas for me so i can use all my lights instead of two? any and all replys are appreciated


Well-Known Member
somethings wrong with the plant...the leaves are curling down, along the sides and the tips....someone help....

heres pics



Well-Known Member
thanks. thats what i was thinking, ive got those slow release pellets and the other day i was trying to flush it, i bet those things dissolved alot when i did that and this is why i got a shitty looking plant today


Well-Known Member
thanks. thats what i was thinking, ive got those slow release pellets and the other day i was trying to flush it, i bet those things dissolved alot when i did that and this is why i got a shitty looking plant today


Well-Known Member
should i clip these leaves off the plant?

and does this seem a bit small for how old it is? it was started on 4/10/09


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback. another question i have is:
should i keep the lights on veg status or switch to 12/12? im curious because of it being an auto flower, if anyone has any info on changing lights vs not changing lights please let me know, id like to get the full 50g from this lady.
good luck with flushing it ,but yea if you wanna get the max yeild you gotta get the max size of the plant..the more branches there is, the more room there is for the buds to come in..good luck


Well-Known Member
how can i increase branch production?

so theres some cleaning people coming tomorrow (wish i had known sooner) and they need everything off the floors and put away to clean i dont have carpet in my room, just concrete floor so i figured my closet wouldnt be needing to be cleaned, but i guess they are going to be mopping the floor in there too...why? no idea. so i had to take my whole setup down AGAIN (lord when will this stop?) and put my babie in a carboard box and up on a shelf so i hope noone touches it. shes going to be in darkness for a good 36hours becuase ill be at work before, during and after they come. im thinking this will be ok for the plant because theres days where sun doesnt really shine on plants...but im just looking for some experienced growers to tell me if anything is going to happen to my plant if i take it from this 36hour darkness and put her back on 20/4 lighting, shes day 58 and flowering. its a LR2 x AK 47 Fem.

also...thinking about it. if im on day 58 from seed and the box said it would take 80 days and my plant looks like the pictures i posted above, do you really think it will be done in the next 3weeks? theres like no bud on this thing yet, just real small things. im trying to get the full 50g out of this plant....would transplanting to bigger pots help? please let me know asap so i can get everyting taken care of before tomorrow or the next day. thanks in advance
just keep it on veg and it will bush out,when you put it on flower and it shows pre flowers your plant isnt gonna get all that much bigger


Well-Known Member
ugggh, she was spotted and needs to be gone by the first of the month, its only 60days old and hardly budding, im worried all my effort is going to waste on this. anyone know how much longer it should be before shes finished? hers some pics to help:



Do you know if I purchased a Hydroponics box, if it would do the samething? Could I grow my own cannabis using a Hydroponics box?


Active Member
i saw something on one of your picture. its 85-88 degree in your room. i suggest to drop it around 78-80 :) other then that nice little set up :)