Allright...freaking embarrising but here are some photos that might help solve this riddle. 1st pic is how close I am putting the lights....should be fine as they are just flouros. 2nd pic is an example of what is happening.... plant comes up fine looking awesome...then the stalk starts to thin and get dark, plant falls over and starts to die... 3rd pic is one of the plants that I took out of the ground to check out the roots. 4th pic is simply some living plants (Jalepenos) (Carrots)....insert joke here_______. 5th pic is the holes in the bottom of the cup for drainage.
My observation is that I may possibly be over wetting the soil prior to seed transfer. I guess the soil could be over saturated so the roots are rotting....not sure though.
I also am concerned with the yellowing of the soil at the this just from the lights or is something else going on? Jalepenos are in the same soil.
Soil is Happy Frog from Ocean Forest with some extra perlite mixed in. The soil is also getting very hard on top, not sure if this is normal or not...
One day I will look back on this and laugh but for now I am going through some cash on wasted seeds..... so please help me solve this so I can get past the seedling stage.