First Grow. Started by surprise. Kinda into it now...Little help and thoughts Please


Good Day fellow enthusiasts.

After an interesting evening with a good buddy of mine, I decided to take a seed he had, pop in in some soil and see what happened.

Two days in the dark and it sprouted a little white tail.

I put it under a generic light ( I have no idea what it is, its not high powered though ) with a timer 18/6 and in a couple of days it was searching for light! I was amazed.

So, I headed down the shop and got a light and fan as suggested on here. I put it in some 'coco' soil and its going great.

I think because the first week or 2 it was under the bad light, it stretched out to get to the light. I was about 4inches tall and then it sprouted it first leaves. So was tall and thin, like me! I then put it under the bigger light. It started growing quite well and so I began feeding it a little Nutrient. So far so good, began bulking up and branching out. Anyway, a mate of mine suggested I bend the plant horizontal and it would sprout more branches. So, I thought, why not! So far it seems pretty happy, I have tied it down ( as you will see in the pictures ) to a basket to train it and support it.

So far, Im afraid, I have not logged or remembered the time frame of which I have had the plant. I would guess that its been under the bad light for about 2 weeks ( maybe 10 days ) and the good light for about 3 weeks.

Its ever so slightly starting to show signs of the tips of the bigger mature fan leaves turning yellow. I initially was feeding it when it was young and stopped as I think I would have killed it. Have been watering it filtered water but I think it may either be deficient ( I dont think so ) but I think it may be heat stress. The light is a HCL? ( looks like an oversized energy saver light ) about 95k? I had it about 2 or 3 inches from the pant, I had a Fan blowing in my closet ( its quite a big space ) and the temperature is about 85f.

I have attached a few pictures showing the way Im growing the plant and the small yellowing spots on the edges and some on the actual body of the leaf.

I want to try and get some more light into the little sprouts closer to the stem ( that is horizontal remember ) to get them growing and want to make sure its either getting what it needs or easy off the water/feeding.

Any help would be great



Well-Known Member
im not sure what you mean by bad light and good light tips turning yellow though is sign of nute burn but if you are just feeding filtered water and no nutes might be from when you where feeding nutes... when you use RO water you should add calmag or epsom salt or you will get deficiency


Well-Known Member
HCL is Hydrogen Chloride, and its an acid.
You have a CFL - Compact Florescent Light.

By 95k you probably meant 95W and considering the red hue in the pictures I'd guess you got a warm white bulb which is not the right spectrum for vegging and will give much inferior results compared to a daylight color CFL. It works though.
The red light band is what you want for flowering.

Your slow growth is probably caused by the lack of light in the blue spectrum.

You plant looks like its a bit over-fertilized and I would guess it lacks calcium and magnesium as you'r using filtered water.
Tune your nutes down a bit and either use a cal-mag supplement or mix 30% hard tap water into your filtered water. Tap water usually have a lot of Ca and Mg.

You could tie the plant to its own pot and save space for, lets say, a bigger pot that will enable the plant to grow bigger.



Thanks for the replies guys.

I had a seasoned grower come over yesterday and check it out. He stood the plant back up, redirected the fan, checked the PH ( all good ) and topped the top crown. He adjusted the light and we are going to get some better reflective material in there to help things along.

Over night its straightened up and looks great! Is loving being up straight and having a bit of wind on her. We are going to change the spectrum of the light to get it going a little more as suggested above. Will also be looking to top a couple of the other branches over the next few days to bush it up a little.

He was surprised at how nice a green it is!!

Thanks for all the comments and help so far. He agreed with most of what was said. The small amout of yellowing he thinks is from lack of food so we have introduced it again ( small amount ) and will keep a close eye on it. I have not fed it for about 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
sorry bro but i saw your third pic and started cracking up laughing. I have never seen a plant lean that far. I hope it all goes well for you though but after some booze and a little bud that shit was funny.


Well-Known Member
yah these plants can withstand alot just goes to show you how strong they can b i bend n shape all time