FIRST GROW! Soil and a 400w mh/hps. PRAY FOR GIRLS!!!

I dont quite buy thier story. they claim that they dont backup verry often due to security reasons, they dont want the files traveling over the internet too often. sure sounds good but theres no reason they can backup the files to another server on a intranet network (a network that is only shared among the company's files and is not hooked up to the internet)

i dunno i just dont buy it

they should be doing 1 big backup every week or at least keeping a solid backup and adding anything that wasnt backed up before to it every week (less data to write)

i think i may be done with this site, the shit that has been going on lately has been a bit sketchy and now they accidently lost a months worth of data?!?!?! this is basic shit when you run a server never mind one as big as RIU.

also did any of you notice that RIU stopped advertising for the attitude seed bank and now is advertising for credit card companys? i think they are selling out!!​

I'm feeling the.same way....sigh.
first off if they are doing thier own backups they own thier servers, when you pay a hosting company they generally backup your data for you.

second, NO ONE that runs thier own server backs up thier data once a month, especially a forum. so i just dont buy the story. im a comp info systems major right now and im not even that far into my degree and i know that backing up your data at the least every other day is the most important part of running a server (or any other data source that is continuously changing)

if it was my server and site i would be backing up 4x a day every day, it would only take about 5-10 min each time and it would be completly automated so i wouldnt have to do anything. i would back the data up to a server on a intranet network so it didnt have to travel acrosss "the lines" if i was that concerned about it but there is a thing called encription and they could have just as easily set the backup system to encript the data before it is transmitted and store it that way untill it is needed.
Dear RIU yall fucking suck I see why the tude pulled advertisements eat shit and to my homies loyalty, matt ottawa, first, deisel andrl and those who I forgot ill be running my journal at a site where I can win plant and nug of the month visit me same name minus blunt im sick of the RIU bullshit love you guys and fuck RIU im out check at 420 Mrgivemethat ill be there im oug would love to still read you guys journals but dont think ill log back in to RIU ever again peace!!!
After much deliberation, I'll be following mrgivemethat and no longer posting on this site. I'm fed up with all the security, server, jaded ex-members, ect. issues. It was fun while it lasted fellas. Wish you all nothing but the best and hope you grow the fattest buds! I registered my name at the new spot, its LOYALTOAFAULT. Will start a new thread there in next few days. Hope to maybe see a few of you again (wink wink, nudge nudge) .
Peace everyone!
Hey loyalty what site? Im on 420mag already have my journal running since last time this site wouldnt let me on for 24 hours so send me a friend request if your there too Mrgivemethat HEMPY SOG QRAZY TRAIN, HAMMERHEAD, OG KUSH look me up. Peace bro
what's been going on sketchy here besides backups and where are you going? the problem with a lot of other sites is they suck as bad just for different reasons :)

It's easy to condemn the site for the backup situation but you guys obviously don't run websites. Yes, internet providers will backup your shit for you. For $$$$$ -- 4x a day?? Enjoy paying hundreds to thousands of dollars a month for that. Sending the backups over the net? if they're any large size which forum databases usually are especially with pictures included, it's gigabytes of data, takes a long time and the service provider will charge you for the extra bandwidth. i don't really buy the security excuse at all -- i'd say it's more likely they didn't have the resources to pay for it to be done more often or didn't take the time to if they were done manually. Shit happens.
It's just poor planning and execution. Whether they have my posts from yesterday or a month ago, they still got me in the system. At a guess this site is just hosted somewhere cheap, for as little money as possible.

That would be my guess. I doubt they make a lot of money off the site. Come on guys it's a weed site i'm sure it's run by a pothead... what did you expect? ;)
what's been going on sketchy here besides backups and where are you going? the problem with a lot of other sites is they suck as bad just for different reasons :)

It's easy to condemn the site for the backup situation but you guys obviously don't run websites. Yes, internet providers will backup your shit for you. For $$$$$ -- 4x a day?? Enjoy paying hundreds to thousands of dollars a month for that. Sending the backups over the net? if they're any large size which forum databases usually are especially with pictures included, it's gigabytes of data, takes a long time and the service provider will charge you for the extra bandwidth. i don't really buy the security excuse at all -- i'd say it's more likely they didn't have the resources to pay for it to be done more often or didn't take the time to if they were done manually. Shit happens.

first of all if they are paying someone to host this site they are paying thousands of dollars, they own thier own server, they have to. so backingup more frequently is definatly a option it either boils down to lazyness and or stupiditiy. actually what it really boils down to is that they lied to us and there is some other underlying issue that they want us to be oblivious to.

Loyal, i have enjoyed following along with your grow I have a PM coming your way so we can keep in touch :)
first of all if they are paying someone to host this site they are paying thousands of dollars, they own thier own server, they have to. so backingup more frequently is definatly a option it either boils down to lazyness and or stupiditiy. actually what it really boils down to is that they lied to us and there is some other underlying issue that they want us to be oblivious to.

Loyal, i have enjoyed following along with your grow I have a PM coming your way so we can keep in touch :)
I could host and run a site identical to this for about $8 a month. Considering I'd be making next to zero dollars running the site, that $8 option sounds really good.
They definitely don't need or have their own server for a php based website. It gets a decent amount of traffic, but nothing crazy enough to require it's own server. I don't really see ads here (go straight to forums) and don't click on them if there are... if i want seeds i go straight to the seed site not through links on the site so...

Very few companies own their own server who run websites unless they are large companies. You get an account on a server or you lease a server. Leasing a server on its own will cost you $100-500/month before you even factor backups in. Backup cost is based on how much space you use, which depends on the size of your files and how often. It's very possible whoever runs the site has money to pay for a fancy setup but doesn't. From what I can gather they don't have their own server and the backups are obviously manual. If they were paying hundreds of dollars a month for service the place would be plastered with ads, which it isn't.... and that's one of the reasons I like it. If a better site comes along that's more reliable I sure might switch, but it'll have to be better than the few I've already been too. Grasscity are some censoring whores. ICMag is slow from US (not to mention probably still owned by that bastard gypsy nirvana...).. there are tons of other sites but most don't get any significant traffic. This place was the best I've found so far between a) people who aren't total douchebags b) mods not trying to censor the shit out of people whenever they can and go on power trips and c) actually has enough people viewing it to get responses to your posts and be worth checking into more than once a day. If anyone knows a site that meets those 3 criteria please post. Obviously for a lot of people, a criteria of d) isn't down every few days and doesn't crash and lose a months worth of posts/pics is good to add :)

I have all my old pics... i should probably be more pissed than anyone as i post to my journal thread multiple times a day sometimes and i look back more on what i said i did in the journal than to look back for pics...
Not much just waiting for my LEDs to get here tomorrow and watching my buds get bigger every day :) Plants are all doing good except for my one sickly plant that always has something wrong with it.... 7-8 weeks til harvest and then it's a sea of bud after :) I gotta optimize my system though I am spending wayyy too much time taking care of plants.
lol man i hear ya i spend waaayyy too much time and money on this hobby. just like everyone else, started like, "oh heres some seeds! bet i can grow some weed with this!" to "ok i just finished setting up my 600 watt HPS in my new 4x4x6 cabinet with 2 - 250 cfm fans..."

thats sick on the LED front. i definitely would like to hear what you have to say about yields as they are much more energy efficient.. i hear they penetrate less but it sounds like you have some ScrOG going on so that shouldn't be a problem...
Yeah well I expected to spend money, especially if I went the LED route.. but once you get your system down you don't spend much... i'm just about at the point where it's just nutes, dirt and water. Got a couple things but nothing major and after that can't really think of anything I need... next seed batch already paid for and on the way most likely won't need seeds the rest of this year I'm sure I can't get bored with half a dozen+ strains of varying genetics in less than a year :) Have 7 going now will actually have 10 strains going within a couple of months unless I cull some of them, which I probably will. No scrog yet just training the branches with string but it produces pretty much the exact same effect
yeah i am just now about to harvest for the first time so i am excited about that. i too finally have just about everything i need...except nutes dirt and water.

i definitely want to start playing with lst. i think i will lst my next plant i put into flower...i guess its about time to start tying her down! lol