First Grow, small space.


Hey, im pretty new to growing marijuana, i grew a plant with my mom which worked out perfect accept she did everything. I have all the basics of growing down, but i have a few questions.

So my grow room is quite small it is 2' by 3.5' by 2'(im pretty sure i pronounced that wrong it is 2'wide,3.5'tall,2'thick). It has a pc fan blowing air in from the bottom and another pc fan sucking air out at the top. The small room is completely tin foiled, and i have a 45watt cool white CFL on the roof, which is hooked up to a 24hour timer, the light is adjustable so i can always have it 2" from the plant(is this light suitable for growing?and can i use through out the whole grow process?). I plan to grow only 1 plant at a time(if you think i can grow more then one in this area please let me know). I have a temperature and humidity dial inside the room(what is the correct temperature and humidity for a successful grow room?). I have 5 hempstar seeds(hempstar is BC cron if you didnt know). I heard Tomato MG is good for the growth of marijuana, i have some right now that is 18-18-21(will this work? and in what stages is it suitable).

Is there a way to make sure my plants don't grow bigger then 3.3' tall?minus the .2 because of the light.

Anyways thanks for the advise im gonna start germinating my seeds tonight, so please get back to me because i need to start growing soon.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Question one is are your seeds feminized or regular?

Question two is are you growing with soil?

Question three is your only light source is a 45 watt CFL?

Question four is you mentioned your germinating your seeds (plural) yet you stated you only wanted to grow one plant at a time? Huh???

I would recommend using the Screen of Green method.

My opinion for temperatures is 70-90F for best results. Wal-mart sells a digital thermometer/hydrometer for $6.

I wouldn't worry about nutes at the moment.


1.honestly i don't know if the seeds are feminized, and i dont care if they dont work my first grow is only a learning process.
2.yes im growing them in a pot with MG soil, i have heard bad things about this what would you say?
3.yea my only light source is a 45wattCFL, will that not work?
4.That was a mistake im only going to germinate 1 at a time, unless it is possible to do 2.


Active Member
im growing them in a pot with MG soil, i have heard bad things about this what would you say?
MG soil is over fertilized and has way too many nutrients that tend to damage young cannabis plants.

my only light source is a 45wattCFL, will that not work?
one 45w CFL will work in the beginning of the veg stage, but it will not be very good for the flowering stage.
You will eventually need to add a few more lights around the plant.

Remember, you want one CFL within 1-2 inches of every part of the plant.

I would recommend this book. It is very informative and nicely put together:

I hope this helps:joint:



Take the Tin Foil Down, Go to Wallmart or somewhere like it and get one of those Emergency Blankets, they are just like Mylar, it's only a couple of bucks, or just paint with flat white paint. MG soil is really hot, there is an Organic Soil that they sell in the same area, it says that they only use organic ferts in the soil. I am using it now and seems to be okay. you can use MG fertilizer like bloom, but use about a quarter of what they say and make sure you flush the plants a couple of weeks before harvest. Its best to use some good Ferts though. Sometimes people just don't have the availability to get good Fertilizers. Hey Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
i use tin foil and ive done fine...its all about your personal preference...i also got a like car sunblocker...i think its mylar or somethin but it does the job as well


Active Member
Also I went to our local sporting goods store and found a reusable emergency blanket. This was alot thicker and all around easier to work with. Of course it does cost 14 bucks. So if you are making a long term grow room I would go that route.


so i just started my plant with soil from my garden, but indoors, its not MG its whatever my mom uses for her plants. i got another 45watt light, and a Y adapter for my bulbs, both my bulbs say they are 200watt replacments(is this true?). Should i start growing with only 1 during veg, and add the other during flowering, or can i use both the entire time? Ive only heard good things about tin foil, so im sticking with it. Thanks for the fast replies.


Bakedat, No disrespect, I have just read a ton of threads that say using tin foil will reflect hot spots on your plants, Now with that said, I don't know if it will cause hot spots with CFL lighting. This is something i'm not sure on. I wouldn't think it would. But in any case flat white has been documented to be the best. now with that said i'm using flat white and Mylar.HEHE

BC Bud, Use them both. Just watch your temps, and they do sound like 200 watt equivalent.


my temperature in the grow room is from about 85F with 1 45watt, but when i have both on for 24hours the temperatures get up to about 90-100F which i know is to much, but with both 45watts on and both my exhaust and intake fans running it stays at exactly 95F, but the thing is my exhaust fan is always running, but my intake is only on when my computer is on, and my computer isn't always on, so the temps sometimes get to hot. I made a picture on paint, just to show my setup(yes i know its kind of ridiculous but i have no way of taking a picture of it. I re measured the room and i have more room then i thought. At the moment i have a small sprout popping through the soil. So take a look at the picture and tell me if it needs any improvements or changes. Do you think i could fit 1 more plant in there? And do you know anyways to get the temp down? What is the perfect temperature? And if i use both lights the whole time, during the flowering stage will it have enough light? I thought i was supposed to increase the light amount throughout the stages. I'm only using 1 45watt right now and the veg stage is going fine.

