first grow / setup


This is my first grow ever. I decided to go with cfls in a closet which has an adundance of room but I decided to keep it somewhat small for my first go. Any comments / suggestions / concerns would be appreciated. Dont worry im not a sour apple. Im using 2 fixtures with 2 48in 400w bulbs in each and a cute little fan in the corner ;-).

check out the pics. if u guys like em or are interested in seeing more id be more than happy to take some



Yeh hes right your deffintely gunna need more lighting to flower with bro...but the good news is they look healthy and good

You should probably transplant those bigger ones now as well otherwise the root structure wont develop fully :)

Are those smaller ones clones yeh??


Nice setup! i noticed in your first photo your plants are in clear glass bowls. the roots should not be exposed to light, you should replant them. also i picked up a digital thermostat from menards that shows humidity as well for $10. low temps + high humidity = mold, humidity determines how your plant uses water. i'd like to see some more photo's.


Thanks! im kinda scared to transplant them and unsure on what to use. Any light suggestions for when i begin to flower? what should i add and im also not sure on how tall i should keep these. they keep getting bigger and bigger and i have to always be adjusting them but i dont want to let them get too tall under the cfls and then have problems later or have to top them. im about to take some more pics now.


lookn great, up to you when to flower just remember they will grow extra quick for 2weeks once triggered for flowering