First grow - seeking an easy-for-a-noob, high-yield Indica


Active Member
Hey all, going to start my first grow soon. it'll be in a 2'deep x 3'wide x 5'high space, and I was thinking of growing 4 plants, and I'm looking for a totally-Indica, higher-yield, easy to grow variety - any suggestions? I plan on buying some good seed, and using 5 of the 10 seeds for the first go, so in case I totally screw it up, I'll have back-ups of that kind for a second try. Once I've vegged them out for a month or so, I'll flower them, and if I get more than one girl, I'll select the best one for the mother, and I'll just start my grow from clones off the mother, before I actually try the weed. If it's really good, I'll stick with that mother for awhile, and if not, I'll try another kind. Anyway, any ideas for an easy-to-grow, higher-yield Indica strain? All help appreciated, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Barney's Big Bud is a killer yielder and fairly inexpensive. Power plant is another. Try attitude seeds feminized and campare yields. It doesn't have to be barney's , but its practically a guarentee to get the best strains from them. great prices compared to NL, and sketchy Nirvana. But to each is own.... Skunks usually are good yielders as long as u stay away from crosses with haze or purple numbers.. Hope this helps, good luck. p.s. white widow yields wonderfully, if u stay patient during the last stages of the widow and use get organic nutes(BMO) you can cure 7 to 10 oz's off a widow. suppercrop, fim, and you will have a mess of buds!!!!! :peace:
