first grow. seedling. pix.


Well-Known Member
You should get those rapid test meters..they work pretty well and very easy to use
You talking about those PH checkers? I had one of those and it fucking sucked! Never again will I buy that crap, it wouldn't even read right. I've talked to several other people that felt the same way.

The way I check my soils PH is by collecting the runoff after I water.



Well-Known Member
If your going to buy one, buy a legit one. But trust me, you can get by with just checking the PH of the runoff after you water. I've talked to you about the PH up and PH down right? Maybe that was someone else, either way, you will need to buy some of that stuff to.

Get the PH tester at Home Depot or Walmart. It should only run you about 4-5 bucks. Look in the pool section of both those places.



Active Member
thanks for the help grnman. i appreciate it. but, sadly, I haven't had the time to buy a ph tester yet... I also don't know how I will be able to read the ph from the runoff since it's a seedling in a huge ass bucket. Won't I overwater it if it actually comes through the drainage holes? Well it's been around 3 days since that yellowing started. It spread quite a bit on the other tip but, it seems to have stopped. The new growth looks fine to me.. growing real slow dont ya think? been about 10 days since I planted. Well, I guess I'm gonna keep this thread as a journal. Here are some pictures of it now.
