First Grow room


Active Member
So far, so good. Don't forget ventilation. Even with low heat lamps fresh air is important, unless you're going to use co2.


Active Member
If you have access to fresh air, that's good to. Though if you go that route, you'll want a HEPA filter of some kind to keep the mites out.

You can get by without these things, but I think they're worth it.

When growing, everyone gets the light and water part down pretty quick, air quality is often over looked.

All kinds of nasty shit comes through the air (mites, powder mildew, mold spores), these things are far more likely to ruin an entire crop then any feeding or light issues.


Active Member
whats co2?
Im kidding about the electrolytes BTW.

Without Co2 from somewhere, all your light and water is useless.

“Plants capture the energy from light and use it to fuel a complex set of processes in which they capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air, break apart water (H2O), and then attach the hydrogen (H) atoms that are released to the CO2 to form sugar. The overall formula is: Light + 6(H2O) + 6(CO2) =C6H12O6 +6O2.”

Excerpt From: Ed Rosenthal & Tommy Chong. “Marijuana Grower's Handbook.”


Well-Known Member
There's more than enough CO2 in the average household to grow a few plants. Now if you have a grow operation going that's a different story.


There's more than enough CO2 in the average household to grow a few plants. Now if you have a grow operation going that's a different story.
all of these details are overwhelming

when i see all of these suggestions i just get confused and are left scratching my head

i dont even know what i need anymore?


If you have access to fresh air, that's good to. Though if you go that route, you'll want a HEPA filter of some kind to keep the mites out.

You can get by without these things, but I think they're worth it.

When growing, everyone gets the light and water part down pretty quick, air quality is often over looked.

All kinds of nasty shit comes through the air (mites, powder mildew, mold spores), these things are far more likely to ruin an entire crop then any feeding or light issues.
what about an ozonizer? does that do all those things you mentioned above?


Well-Known Member
It's not necessary. Keep doing what you're doing. People really need to stop suggesting CO2 for small personal grows.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Don't go chasing co2 lol. It's super important, but before you think of adding extra co2 you should b at a point where your saying..... Damn my shit is perfect. Best lights, best vents, super air movement, perfect temps and humidity, great biological life in your grow medium. Once you can't get better then add co2 or else it's a waste