first grow... ready to veg?

i have about a million questions on my first grow. I have been trying to read as much as possible, but i still feel i am messing up. wish i had the knowledge before i killed some of the seedlings but i'm here now.

i posted about 2 weeks ago that i was worried that i was germinating the seeds wrong. figured all that out sorta but kinda worried about the first sprouted seed that i had. it grew fast. put it under a hps about 2 feet a few days after it sprouted. a few days later a few more seeds cracked and i put them under light too soon... ( i think) cuz they dried out and or never sprouted.

so now i have 2 that are doing well... so i thought. the last one to crack seems to be doing well, has quite a few leaves and some more look ready to go. the first to crack seemed to grow all weird and then stopped. it's been like 4 days about 6" under an hps and no new growth at all. any ideas? is it dead?


Well-Known Member

Personally, I like to use fluorescents for newborns and young seedlings. Especially the newborns, they can be sensitive for the first week or two.

8 posts eh? lol,
This seems more like someone trying to make fun of new growers and their endless questions Noobs as they were...
I'm a new grower...
gotta start somewhere. you had 8 posts once too. im sure ill have 500 when this grow is done. any ideas what killed her?

4 the love of ganja

Active Member
sorry i posted the same thing twice..STONED..but you should lift the pot and check if you need to water by the weight of the pot if its really light than you need to water and water your pot evenly until you start to get a little runoff out the bottom


Active Member
Just checked out most of your posts flooby and you're a flippin crack-pot lmao
Have fun with your game .......
anyone else able to help? i got underwatering... general consensus is dead but appears to be growing... just not leaves. any real love on rollitup?