First grow rate it


New Member
Well I found 6 bag seeds in some skunk and 2 was hermy 2 male and 2 lucky ladies. I post this thread for new growers don't jump in I read on this forum and books before I popped my first bean. Arm yourself with knowledge and can do a lot. As u can see I topped a lot and vegged under 400 flower under 1000. A lot of lst. Anyone know pulled pound off 1 plant on first grow? Question it's milky and slight amber start flushing?



Well-Known Member
A few things first. What type of medium are you growing in? Soil, coco??? And what nutrients, organic, synthetic.

Also they look like they could still go a little longer. Why I say that is because the claxy don't look that swollen yet. You could still take them if you want but I would wait it out till they swell up real tight. Also I like a bit of body to it as well. The amber is an indication that it will have some body to it, but each strain is so different when it come to looking at trichs that it can become confusing. White Russian likes to have clear, cloudy and even a few ambers all next to each other that I just gave it 70 days (10 weeks) so I could get density and a nice swollen look to the claxy.

Anyways if your in soil running organic, don't worry about a flush, they don't really need it and organic sequesters nutrients so well that flushing does little to nothing for them, some people disagree with that and if you feel the same then do what I suggest next.

flush at least one week from harvest. Unless they are pure indica it's very hard to go too long into flower, 9 to 10 weeks may not even be enough some strains can go up to 14. So pick a date based on how close they look. Ie hairs are mostly to all orange, and claxys swollen up as if they have seeds in them. Thrichs whether cloudy, clear or amber are a way many people judge due dates, but sativas and hybrids are hard to judge due time by thrichs. Not saying you can but ime they are so varied having such a mix of clear cloudy and amber that they never seem completely ready. Maybe the 20 something strains were not helpful over the years, but once you have clones you know when they are done and so far I find 70 days to be a good starting point to go off of. When in doubt I go 70 days and judge from over all ripeness look. Like a bud from skunk or high times.

but a good flush is best done a week to two weeks prior to harvest with three times the amount of weather to pot size. So a 5 gallon pot would need 15 gallons then wait a few weeks and let her stave and turn most the leaves yellow, purple, orange, or maroon depending on strain, and how cold your nights can get.

Hope this help and happy growing.


New Member
Thanks guys growing using ocean forest. Gotta be more than 2-4 zips she's 4 feet round 2 feet tall.


New Member
Guess I'm learning haven't even gone small yet. Flower time has all my plants vegging 4 feet tall. With my space I can only fit one monster at a time. That'll be another thread. Anyways to slow down veging plants. I'm using 400 metal


New Member
I'm sorry meant to say is there a way to slow down veg growth. 4 feet tall plants beautiful but hard to take care of


Well-Known Member
Top and LST are the best methods. If you lift the light they will stretch and you won't like the leggy plants that much. The more nodes equals more budding sites. And never be afraid to make a mistake while growing, you learn more from mistakes than you do success!!

If I had to guess the due date of your plants from the picture, I would say give them another 3 weeks. If in doubt it is better to wait. For example, if you took them now, they will shrink like crazy when they dry, and have no density to speak off, in fact you will be able to see through them. I've done that a few dozen times and the past and it is kinda disappointing to witness. If they go too long and I mean wayyyy to long. They will shrink very little when dry, be hard as a rock, look fantastic and the high will go something like, happy, hungry, coma!!! At least my mostly sativa was knock out weed when I lost the label for that run and just let them go so long that I knew they were past 10 weeks. It may have been closer to 16 weeks cause I had some other runs go past it and they we're put in later. (I run perpetual with for spots of 9 plants rocking blumats and 10 gallon res for each spot. Each section of 9 plants drink about 3 gallons a night.)

point I'm making is, it's hard to go too long but it's worth it to run longer and not take it to early. You will LOVE the results!!!

Take ken care and Happy Growing!! :-)