First grow question


Well-Known Member
Ok i am growing in an aerogarden and i think i may have spores or something growing on top of my grow sponge that came with the aerogarden. I didnt use the little covers that aerogarden has because i didnt have any. Is there any way to get rid of it or should i just try and cover it up with black tape or something and hope it dies? Other than this she seems to be doing pretty good! :leaf:

I would cover up the soil with tinfoil and the lack of light will reduce the growth of the fungus. I wouldnt worry to much though. Are you using soil or coco?


Well-Known Member
I would cover up the soil with tinfoil and the lack of light will reduce the growth of the fungus. I wouldnt worry to much though. Are you using soil or coco?
Im growing in this sponge type thing that came with my aerogarden. I guess im gonna try and use black tape to cover up around the plant
I would suggest that you use tinfoil, and put it dull side up, this will be totally light tight without any dangerous chemical adheasives and also help with light relection.