First Grow question


Active Member
Hey everyone i have recently just started growing and i just had a question. do to height requirments i plan on useing the LST method b.c my grow box is only 1 1/2 feet tall. but even with the LST method applied i fear that they will out grow it. and this is absolutly not possible because i would have NO other place to but them if they did. so i was wondering would it really make that big of a difference if i started flowering once the plants were say 4 inches tall? with like 4 nodes? would this greatly effect how potent the bud is or not? i am not that conserned about yeild. Thanks


Well-Known Member
as far as I know the only thing it will effect is yield, I flowered my plant at like 8"-10" inches ( 3 weeks in flower ) and it's the best loooking weed I've ever seen
