First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)


i would love to help but clicking on links takes too much time from masturbating so can you learn how to post pix then i'll come back???
is it rly that hard to click on a link?all i did was direct link instead of img code. lol id rather not get help from a stuck up dbag than any at all. especially since other normal people already have suggested things. so u cannot come back for all i care.


Well-Known Member
You won't get much growth with your lamp that high. The curling of the leaves is a sign of too high temps. You'll need to keep your door open all the time to cool it down in there. You'll need to get better ventilation in there before you can go to a 12/12 cycle for flower. Can you vent through the ceiling? If not, you're going to need a better ventilated room to grow in. Unless you get the temp under control, you going to be dissatisfied with the results.


You won't get much growth with your lamp that high. The curling of the leaves is a sign of too high temps. You'll need to keep your door open all the time to cool it down in there. You'll need to get better ventilation in there before you can go to a 12/12 cycle for flower. Can you vent through the ceiling? If not, you're going to need a better ventilated room to grow in. Unless you get the temp under control, you going to be dissatisfied with the results.
hey thx for reply Red1966. But i got the door open now all the time and my thermometer is reading way lower temps. i put a box fan in there too for more airflow. u think i could move the light back down more? and if so u think that will be good enough for 12/12? i put 2 covers over my windows to block out all light, for when i switch to 12/12 so leaving the door open shouldnt matter.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're getting a handle on it. I take it the room the closet is in isn't used? Is the room air conditioned? I think you will have to lower the light, it looks 5-6 foot from the plants, They need 3,000 foot candles or more to get good results. That would be 24" or less from the canopy. But can't overheat them either. I would get a cheap box fan, put it outside the door on the floor, blowing into the closet. It's not enough to just circulate the air inside the closet. Plants deplete the co2 in the air if it isn't refreshed. The co2 in the air is what the plants structure is created from. No fresh air, no growth. If you have a central heat/cool system, leave the blower on all the time so you have fresh air going in there. You will have a strong odor from the plants soon. That may be a problem if you're trying to keep your grow hidden. If you live in an apt., your neighbors will smell it. If you live in a house, opening the door for anyone, they will smell it immediately. Do you have any kind of odor suppression? Turn off all the lights in the room, close the door and wait a minute for your eyes to adjust. Look for light leaks, like at the door, windows, cracks, where ever. It doesn't have to be perfectly dark, but should be a little darker than it would be out side at night in an area with no lights within a couple hundred or so feet. Never open the door during the dark period. Interrupted night cycles cause hermies, I learned that the hard way.


Sounds like you're getting a handle on it. I take it the room the closet is in isn't used? Is the room air conditioned? I think you will have to lower the light, it looks 5-6 foot from the plants, They need 3,000 foot candles or more to get good results. That would be 24" or less from the canopy. But can't overheat them either. I would get a cheap box fan, put it outside the door on the floor, blowing into the closet. It's not enough to just circulate the air inside the closet. Plants deplete the co2 in the air if it isn't refreshed. The co2 in the air is what the plants structure is created from. No fresh air, no growth. If you have a central heat/cool system, leave the blower on all the time so you have fresh air going in there. You will have a strong odor from the plants soon. That may be a problem if you're trying to keep your grow hidden. If you live in an apt., your neighbors will smell it. If you live in a house, opening the door for anyone, they will smell it immediately. Do you have any kind of odor suppression? Turn off all the lights in the room, close the door and wait a minute for your eyes to adjust. Look for light leaks, like at the door, windows, cracks, where ever. It doesn't have to be perfectly dark, but should be a little darker than it would be out side at night in an area with no lights within a couple hundred or so feet. Never open the door during the dark period. Interrupted night cycles cause hermies, I learned that the hard way.
The light is 4 and a half feet from the canopy right now. I have my shitty non digital thermometer right now sitting in between the 2 pots i got my plants in and its reading 82 max. i dont know if those things take the fan wind into effect if that even matters? i plan on getting a cheap digital one that reads temp and humidity soon. But im scared to move the light any closer because ive read 85 is like max without co2. and seeing what it did to my leaves so far it frightens me even more lol.

Right now i have a 18 inch box fan sitting on a milk crate in the grow closet on one side right on the plants, along with the little oscillating fan on the other side. Do you suggest getting another box fan and putting it outside the door on the floor as you said?

I live in a house and we use the air condition pretty much all the time during the summer,as it is now set on 69-70. the room i got the closet in isnt used much, but once it turns to 12/12 i will make sure the door isnt opened during dark time, ill lock the bitch :D. I should not have to worry about the odor because i do not have to keep it hidden really.

As far as light leaks goes i think i should be fine. When i put up the 2 covers over the windows, i overlapped them nailing them to the wall to make sure every light gap was sealed. I did it during the day, so i closed my closet door for a second because the light was on and it was dark as shit in there; the only light i could see was the light coming from the closet. But i will check again sometime just to make sure and put a towel down under the rooms main door when its dark time.

Thanks really for all your input Red.


So its been bout 2 days since ive left the door open and added the fan in there and the set of leaves above the really effected ones have brown tips now, could just now be showing signs of stress that it went threw before i dont know. and of course the old ones got worse.

but heres some pics let me know if they look any better or any worse for that matter lol.
Great white shark:

White rhino:


Active Member
I would stop feeding it for a while . just plain water . maybe some mist on leaves once or twice a day tll it recovers . looks like nute burn to me and maybe some heat stress .


I would stop feeding it for a while . just plain water . maybe some mist on leaves once or twice a day tll it recovers . looks like nute burn to me and maybe some heat stress .
i havent done any nutes at all. so i doubt its that :P mostly everyone agrees its heat stress im adressing it as we speak, and hopefully its been recovering. im gonna try misting tomorrow morning right before the light goes off. its hard cuz of the way i did the 18/6 it goes off at like 6:30am lol


so i got a temp gauge and its reading 80-81 at about canopy level and 49-50% humidity,any1 think i can move my light down lower? or just not try cuz its in the 80s already


Well-Known Member
The light is 4 and a half feet from the canopy right now. I have my shitty non digital thermometer right now sitting in between the 2 pots i got my plants in and its reading 82 max. i dont know if those things take the fan wind into effect if that even matters? i plan on getting a cheap digital one that reads temp and humidity soon. But im scared to move the light any closer because ive read 85 is like max without co2. and seeing what it did to my leaves so far it frightens me even more lol. Right now i have a 18 inch box fan sitting on a milk crate in the grow closet on one side right on the plants, along with the little oscillating fan on the other side. Do you suggest getting another box fan and putting it outside the door on the floor as you said? I live in a house and we use the air condition pretty much all the time during the summer,as it is now set on 69-70. the room i got the closet in isnt used much, but once it turns to 12/12 i will make sure the door isnt opened during dark time, ill lock the bitch :D. I should not have to worry about the odor because i do not have to keep it hidden really. As far as light leaks goes i think i should be fine. When i put up the 2 covers over the windows, i overlapped them nailing them to the wall to make sure every light gap was sealed. I did it during the day, so i closed my closet door for a second because the light was on and it was dark as shit in there; the only light i could see was the light coming from the closet. But i will check again sometime just to make sure and put a towel down under the rooms main door when its dark time. Thanks really for all your input Red.
Yeah, put a fan right in the door way. That way it pushes fresh, cool air from the bedroom into the closet and displaces the hot air inside the closet. Blowing the 85F air around the closet doesn't cool it much, but it will even out the temp from floor to ceiling. Just use the 18" fan you already have. You will find its much more effective that way. Keep the oscillating fan blowing on the plants, it will make the stems thicker, stronger, and better able to carry nutes and sugars up and down the plant. If the blower from the A/C is left on all the time, you should be able to keep the closet around 75F. I have 3 of those cheap digital hygrometers. The temp readings are close enough, but I found the humidity readings varied 19%. I did the water and salt test with them and the best one was off by 10%, the worst 29%. I suggest you do the salt test so you will know how far off it is. If you have air conditioning, the humidity will be close enough to work fine. Everything doesn't have to be perfect! If you notice the leaves closest to the fan curling down side to side and drooping badly, you have windburn. Just move the fan a little farther away or set it at a lower speed. Ideally, you should check for light leaks with the grow light off. It's wise to wait a minute or two to let your eyes adjust to the dark. I did my first grow with bagseed because I knew it would be a learning experience. Good genetics will get you a much better product. The plants will at least double is size when you flower, so don't let them get too big in veg or you'll have plants that grow right into your light, and the bottom buds won't be worth shit. Many lollipop the plant so the plant's resources aren't wasted on popcorn buds at the bottom. Besides the obvious benefits, you may find that you enjoy gardening and it will become a lifelong hobby. I'd rather have a couple oz's of pot than a couple lbs of carrots Good luck!! ....PS. 4-1/2 feet above the plants is too high for the plants to get sufficient light to grow much. The leaves that started browning will not recover. The plant is drawing the nutrients out of them and they will soon drop off. Don't worry about them, new growth will replace them. Pot is a fairly hardy plant. Abusing it will reduce yield but it will still flower, unless you abuse it to death. The more I learn, the more I appreciate what God/nature has given us.



new way i got it set up, i could only get the light to bout 3 and a half feet before the temp went over 85, so i hope that will be close enough :(