First Grow - Purple Widow - Outdoor


Huh, Pictures are gone from photobucket...

4 weeks,

The other plants are way behind. I didn't get them into full direct sunlight untill this week. They are still small... Will update when time permits!

Thanks for looking,


Sorry no updates, The large plant in the most recient photos ended up being a male... I ended up with 1 female out of 5 seeds. She survived all of my noob chopping! I topped her (I know, stupid...) then I LST'd her. She isn't looking too bad at the moment but she could have been uch better had I not shopped her all to hell!




sweet little plant u got there, u could grow those not shalant in ur yard, just a shit load
Yeah, This was my first try. I planted 5 and 4 ended up male. Then the one that was left I decided to top and fucked it up! then tied it down like she is now. I have 2 seeds I started inside today and I have 10 more seeds for spring.

I am going to get an early start next year and try to grow some christmas trees! It was all a learning experience. Can't wait to smoke her!
